Do any Boston area peeps travel to or through Stoughton MA on a regular basis? I found that Grossman's Bargain Outlet there has the exact rug I've been looking for but doesn't fill mail orders, and was wondering if I could ask a favor and get someone to go pick one up for me (I'd pay for any shipping and gas costs on top of the price of the rug itself, or course).
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Just got back from an appointment with Max's oncologist. It doesn't look good.
He stopped eating. Which means (1) the tumor's growing, (2) the radiation didn't accomplish what we hoped it would, and (3) the chemotherapy didn't accomplish anything at all.
We're going to try a feeding tube and another round of radiation, starting tomorrow. Which is a long shot, but it's all we have left now. Though we've called our farther-away hospitals to see if there's any point in seeing them.
Some -ma for one of the nurses I come visit every month--her nephew is in critical condition (possibly brain dead) after being injured by his babysitter. The while thing just sounds awful (though at least the babysitter already confessed)
Can I get some health-ma for my Dad, who is right now in the ER due to a kidney infection and some unspecified irregularities with his heart rate?
Can I ask for some generalized it's-nothing~ma, and a dose of health~ma? I have to do a follow up visit next month just to make sure it really is nothing. And after the past couple of years, I would really, really like it to really be nothing. For a long time. Also sorry if I'm being a ~ma hog. I want to not be.
I know I've been more of a lurker but SLNRLBF is coming to see me tomorrow and he has a couple of tight connections. Travel~ma would be greatly appreciated.
Can anyone recommend a good agent for book length "serious" non-fiction. ("Serious" is this context is a standard marketing term, and I reject any implied denigration of non-fiction sold with different marketing labels.) Profite addy good, or if you don't mind mentioning the name in public, I do check "Great Write Way".
Joe is leaving for Iraq tonight. While I normally welcome brackets of all shapes, I doubt I will be around much to respond tonight. But I wanted you all to know that he is leaving. Of his three deployments, i think I am the most okay with this one. He is going with very good friends, some of whom are already there. The rest will hang out with him tonight (plane leaves at 2am but his show time is 9:30 or so) until he gets on the plane. The kids and I will say goodbye at the house and then i will put them to bed.
I talked with my sister today. Seems Friday they got word, my BiL has a job!!! He starts Wednesday! Thank you all for the ~ma! It does work!! I release it back into the wild, so that it can help others in need.
(xposty in Bitches)
OK. Here goes: I'm gonna need some ~ma tomorrow for initial contact about something that I know I can do, only it's in a certain respected place with esteemed people. And one of them will have to see the light and to OK me, which might and will be the tricky part.
Some people around me think it might be a wonderful thing for a lot of people and for the place. I don't know what to think, other than that it sounds great and I want it, and that I'm somewhat scared of esteemed people's thoughts of me and my performance. Oh, and did I mention it can solve some Very Serious Worries I currently have? So that's what and why I need the ~ma for.
And thank you! I really can't wait to stop being so secretive and tell you what it's all about, but I need to be after the initial contacts and get the "OK" in order to do so. There are very amusing parts about the whole thing, trust me. I'm sure your powerful~ma will help.
Update: I got in! Thank you all very much, and I'm releasing back the ~ma.