Thanks for the emergent ~ma. My friend and her baby are good. Her potassium spiked, causing dehydration, which made Robbie not want to move about. No idea about her hand; there were no blood clots found.
'War Stories'
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Thanks for the emergent ~ma. My friend and her baby are good. Her potassium spiked, causing dehydration, which made Robbie not want to move about. No idea about her hand; there were no blood clots found.
Please direct your potent good outcome-ma in the general direction of Redwood City. My dear friend A's partner, S, is having brain surgery today. I don't think any of you have met them, but I always stay with them for a day or two when I'm out in the Bay. A posted here as "Samantha" for a brief spell about five years ago.
I'm heading to Denver tomorrow for WorldCon, so I'll be mostly dark for the next few days.
Hey I'm trying out for a new game show. It's based on Trivial Pursuit and they're actively looking for contestants so let me know if you want to audition and I'll send you the number to call. I'm going in next week or the week after.
Jesus H. Motherfucking Christ on Toast.
So, yeah.
Apparently my current job? Um. May not last so long. As in matter of a few more months, because the contract is being taken away from the company.
I think I may just have curl up in a hole and die, here. I think I am a bad luck token.
To quote my friend A, "the good juju is doing wonders - keep it flowing."
S is doing well and hopes to go home today.
On their behalf, thanks for the ~ma.
Holy jumping tax brackets, Batman! AND: apparently will be in California at end of month for training.
Some more ~ma please. I'm out at sea working on a show and I just got an email that mom is in the hospital. Talked to my sister on the phone briefly. Mom is very anemic right now and they think she's probably got a bleed somewhere. Problem is her health is iffy to begin with and most of the procedures to really find the bleed could cause even more bleeding. So yeah, some ~ma for my Mom and for me since I'm pretty much stuck out here for another week and it would be very hard to hand off the work I'm doing to someone else, not to mention the issues with getting someone else onto the ship.
Hey all. I posted an update on what's been going on with me and my girl Lucy in my lj. I'm brendalu over there - if I don't have you friended, pop me a note and I'll do so.