Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I'll be performing in Sgt. Culpeppers Comedy Jam at Improv Boston this Sunday night: [link]
I'll be getting into town some time saturday afternoon and will be free until 6:00 pm on sunday.
I'd love it if you could make the show or maybe hang out while I'm up there!
Profile addy is good.
(Tried to send this out to the Somervillians list but something went awry.)
My dear friend Bob had a massive heart attack about an hour ago. He was with DH at one of our customer doctor's offices at the time doing some work, in the hospital complex. The receptionist ran into an exam room and grabbed the doctor out to take care of him. He was unresponsive for about 5 minutes. He is in the ER now and has a pulse. All the ~ma you have please. On my way to the hospital now to be with DH as he is in a terrible state too.
~ma for my stepdad, please. He's taken a turn for the worse. I don't have too many details, but he's being transferred to another hospital.
Asking for any health and pain free ~ ma not intended for Bob or Glen for my dad. He's had debilitating neck pain for the last 3 or 4 weeks. Not life threatening, but painful nonetheless.
I have the walkthrough of my new condo at 1:30 EST. Wish me house~ma.
Book! Holding book! In my hands! Pretty!
That is all. At least until the release.
Going dark for a little while. Need to get my head together; the on-line world is too much distraction from the mundane.
Thanks for the good thoughts today, guys. The bank counteroffered, we accepted--pending inspection, it looks like we're buying a house! [link]
The pictures are kinda dark, but they give you a sense of the place. It's in a gorgeous neighborhood in North Hollywood.
Some not very good pictures here: [link]
Location: awesome
Size: decent
Light: good
Bedrooms: 2
Park across street: yay
Huge balcony: extra yay
Me: excited