Holy crap! Such gorgeousness on the part of both momma and child!
::is slain::
ion, (Public Service Announcement) I have now decided that I AM going to stay here in Bangkok for the Summer, rather than head back to the UK.
If any of you good people fancy a trip to Thailand, my sofabed (or indeed double bed, if you don't mind fighting the cat for his half) is entirely at your disposal. We have a private pool and private gym, and many gorgeous white-sanded beaches are a short hop, skip and a jump away. Also, we have an icecream stall that specialises in home-made cocktail icecreams for adults. And the businessclass section in the cinema? Totally insane.
::bats eyelashes::
Can I get some peace-in-our-time~ma for my nephew who is back in Bagdad for 15 months? Gah! I don't have the words to describe how much I hate someone right now!
The photos have already hit the web, but after a marathon labor and birthing session, we're happy to officially introduce our new addition--Dylan Zaphod Alter.
The future President of the Galaxy arrived in the world this morning (appropriately enough, on a Thursday) at 9:30am weighing just over 7 pounds and measuring 20.5 inches. Mom and baby are both doing well and are resting comfortably at the hospital. Many more photos are sure to follow once Jess is back to active posting since she's much better about doing that sort of thing than I am.
Thanks to everyone for all your good wishes! And now to sleep...
Hi all! I'm still at the hospital w/ only my phone to post on, so I probably won't be fully back online until they discharge me (Sunday). But I have been reading and wanted to say thanks to everyone for the massive outpouring of virtual support! Shockingly, Dylan was not born with a Read New button on his forehead but maybe it will grow in later.
In the meantime I'm still Twittering away 'cause it's easier to send wee text messages than full posts.
Cat arrived, a day ahead of schedule. That ~ma is some powerful stuff, to make international flights so easy they go backwards in time!
(Releasing ~ma to whosoever needs it)
After many months of planning, writing, revising, and begging friends for help, my website, www.inspirewriting.com is up.
It includes my new online column, Little But Fierce, which will (hopefully) updated weekly. Column #1 ("10 by 10") will be up within the next couple of days. (The actual column is at littlebutfierce.com, but you can easily get to it via the homepage at inspirewriting.com.)
This site is also my business site for academic tutoring and creative writing coaching.
So...beloved Buffistas, will you spread the word? I would be truly grateful--this is a labor of love from a long way back.
Special thanks to Deena for her amazing web design; Raq for the gorgeous, original pen/feather logo; and Matt, Barb, and Amy for their humbling testimonials.
ETA: Very important...I've revised and proofed and edited the damned site so many times that I can't see errors anymore...but it's really important that the site is as close to perfect as possible. Another online friend already caught a typo on the home page (ironically enough in the line advertizing my services as a writing coach...
t headdesk
), which is now fixed. If you see anything else, PLEASE email me at my profile addy so that I can correct it. Thanks!
We're home! Again, thanks so much to everyone for your support-from-afar during the past few days. It was rough going there at first, but we ended up getting a pretty cool baby out of the deal, and he's making it all worth it. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.
I've just uploaded some new babypics to Flickr, and posted a little coming-home video on YouTube.
There endeth my hijacking of this thread! (Promise!)
Some general business~ma for DH would really be appreciated tomorrow. We could have trouble.
~ma for my stepfather, please. He was admitted to the hospital with a ruptured appendix.