Some not very good pictures here: [link]
Location: awesome
Size: decent
Light: good
Bedrooms: 2
Park across street: yay
Huge balcony: extra yay
Me: excited
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Some not very good pictures here: [link]
Location: awesome
Size: decent
Light: good
Bedrooms: 2
Park across street: yay
Huge balcony: extra yay
Me: excited
I've got a few job prospects that I'd like to ask for some nuclear powered vibes on.
The first one is related to the show I'm currently working on in Orlando for Nickelodeon Resorts. It could lead to a lot more work.
The second relates to possibly getting some work on the new Harry Potter themed thing that Universal is building.
The third has to do with Disney. Creative Entertainment called me yesterday and I'm meeting with them next week to discuss the possibility of doing the sound design for one of their next cruise ship musicals.
All of these prospects have happened within the last 7 days. All of them are amazing and are things I would kill to get.
If there is any job-ma left, I would appreciate some sent to both me and Pixar. Thanks.
x-posted from lj:
I just sent the email off accepting a job offer. I'm a Hoosier again, which is somewhere I did not expect to be.
I'll be going there next weekend to try to find housing. I may be renting an actual house, rather than an apartment (and still spending less than anywhere else I've rented).
And I am really excited about a lot of stuff that's happening at the school, and the school itself.
I will still be teaching 9-12 year-olds. I'm actually going to be developing a curriculum to make sure they're prepared to move on the the adolescent program when they leave me as part of my coursework this summer.
I will be about 3 hours from Chicago, 2:15 from Ann Arbor, 3 1/2 from Cleveland, 2 1/2 from Indianapolis, 45 min from Fort Waye (the nearest "city"), and 6 hours from my family. I can live with that.
Could I get som ~ma for my neighbor and her family. She's been in Chicago for the last month and a half with another sister trying to take care of a brother who has had a stroke. The hospital and nursing homes have been nightmares to deal with and his health keeps suffering for it. Her family is trying to arrange to transport him back here to KC so that all of the siblings can help with his care.
They are hoping to get him here by ambulence this week, but the whole situation has been 1 step forward and 3 steps back, so any ~ma would be very much appreciated.
Lots going on in Beep Me, and here I am to add to the newsiness of it all.
So I've finished up my job in manchester and after a brief but wonderful holiday in Dublin, I'm in New York City, having made it safely across the Atlantic and into the absolutely gorgeous weather of the east coast. I'm going to be in NYC until Friday, so if I haven't heard from you or if you haven't heard from me and are in town, I would love to see you! My profile address is good.
On Friday I'm heading out to TN, and then I'll be making the rounds of North Carolina, KY, OH, and maybe Chicago; and then two glorious weeks in the PNW with our favorite 'ffistas.
If you're along any of these places I would love to see you, so drop me a line. And wish me luck--more than a holiday, this is me trying to get my student loans and visa sorted out for York, so, you know, ~ma in my general direction is always appreciated.
Requesting cat~ma for about 7:30 (Eastern time) this evening.
I've been talking a lot in Natter (and to a lesser extent in Bitches) about our cat Teddy's health problems. Briefly, he's been diagnosed with chronic kidney failure. Last Monday, we were told he had only days left. But on Tuesday, a different vet suggested trying antibiotics (and a vitamin B shot). He's turned around since then -- become much livelier, gained weight, and so on.
He has an appointment at 7:30 for blood work. Spare ~ma would be appreciated.
I've just been offered a job in Cork, in the south of Ireland, doing what I want to do. Yay! Everyone come visit Cork now!
Yet I shall be keeping a wee bit of -ma, just the same, as we need to find the Boy Next Door a job down there too.
Teddy's blood has been drawn. The vet is sending it out for full tests, but they did a few of the key tests in-house while we waited.
He isn't out of the woods yet, but things are looking much better. We're no longer talking in terms of days.
Creatinine is down from 6.5 to 4.4 in barely a week. Normal levels go up to 2.5, so his levels are still high, but that's a big improvement.
Red blood cell count improved from 15 to 17. This is an improvement but still in the anemic range. We have a big tube of Nutrical as a vitamin-and-iron supplement.
Proteins are at 8.3. I think that's up a little.
We won't have detailed results until Friday. But things look good, even though he lost a quarter pound since yesterday.
Thanks for the ~ma. I'll release some but hang onto enough to keep him improving.
Potential Transplant~ma would be appreciated. Mom got a call and she is #3 on the list for a pair of kidney's that just came available. If either/both of the first two either don't match or are not able to get to the center, then she is next.