TomW and I are darkish- Verizon turned off our phone and DSL early, and we are otherwise proccupied with moving. See y'all on the flip side!
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Hi All, I'm posting from a semi-public Internet information terminal they thought they had locked off to ouside pages. I'm in Wichita, so far so good. 1200 miles to Andi.
Update- Monday 8:45am Mountain. Just inside the New Mexico border. Free Internet access at the information rest area. Probably the friendliest visitor info center ever.
I just opened a box full of wonderful presents from an even more wonderful group of people (i.e. buffistae).
In the box was a very funny book, a very cute book, and a very practical gift. Also, deserving special mention, Make Way for Ducklings - one of my all time favorite books from childhood. I'm not sure if vw knew this or not, but my mom used to read that to me for hours. We also have a few groups of baby ducks around our lake here that hatched in the last few weeks. We've been talking about Make Way for Ducklings almost every time we leave the house because of all the baby ducks around here. My mom and I both enjoyed seeing the book again and will read it to Ellie tonight.
Thanks again to everyone. You are helping convince my mom that Internet friends are not so weird after all.
I know I've been somewhat gray lately but I need to ask for some job~ma.
Tomorrow I will be faxing a resume with references to a music store in Lake City, Florida in order to teach piano, voice & saxophone lessons. I am really excited about this possibility because it will get me out of administrative work, out of Michigan (I hate the winters here) and get me closer to my mom & brother (who live in High Springs).
I might be taking a trip down there in the next month or so if the owner of the store wants to pursue this. If that happens, I could be moving to Florida in the next 3 months, so I'm also asking for a come-together-quickly~ma for all the facets of getting a new job, resigning from my current job, finances & moving.
I've been a very dark gray, although I've tried to keep up. Long story made short - back in April I went for a follow-up mammogram to see if the spot on the previous ones had gone away. They hadn't; the radiologist told me I needed to have a biopsy. In early May I went in for a biopsy - done with a needle - and was told that the tissue was in a place too dangerous to use a needle. June 15 I went in for an excision (surgical) biopsy. Got the results - no malignancy! So I hope to be back posting with all the Buffistae (once I get through all the work that piled up while I was out).
Hi all!
I made it to Andi's place in Arizona after 1am tueday, but Im here.
nap now, more later.
Tom and I are safely moved into our new home, and have internet, TV, telephone, and beer. Yes!
So, I got paid! Although granted it's only 2/3 of the money I should have had coming, still and all it's more than I was confident of getting.
I'm even moderately confident that I'll get given money to cover a return flight within the next week or so, insh'allah.
Releasing the -ma back into the ether, with thanks.
I need some health-ma, please.
My grandfather, who has been ill off and on for some time, has been admitted back into the hospital with Congestive Heart Failure. He's being medicated, etc and looks like he might be out in a few days, but his mom's birthday is July 20 and there's a big party on the 23rd and, well, I'm just not ready to give him up yet. He was and is a major part of my life and I'm not big enough for him to go yet. And quite frankly, neither is he. He has a great-granddaughter to get to know still. He just needs a bit of help from anywhere we can get it. So please. Prayers, ~~ma, and whatever postive energy you can spare for us.
I'd really appreciate it. I'm gonna go have a good cry.
I'm back from Israel. It was a fantastic trip, and I'll give more details when I'm a bit less jetlagged.