so my BIL cracked his knee bone and he fractured his elbow. Tomorrow they do an MRI - hoping that they find no soft tissue damage and therefore no need for surgery.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
In the morning, I'm leaving on a jet plane to stay at Dana's until Sunday night. Ping her if you need to reach me.
BIL's MRI went well - no need for a knofe. In fact, he can even flex his knee under 'controlled circumstances' . yay
That jobma is a powerful thing. I now have the terribly first-world problem of choosing between two offers! So I gladly release the ~ma back into the ether and hope it helps the next person as much as it did me.
Both these offers entail moving for a year, so, as a heads-up for anyone needing an apt in NY for the school year to come: I will definitely be subletting my rent-stabilized Brooklyn one-bedroom for at least a year ($1000, next to the Brooklyn Museum and Botanic Garden, on the 2/3/4/5 subway lines). If you're interested, you can email my profile addy for more details. If you want a relatively unbiased opinion on the place, you could also ask one of the NYistas: msbelle, jessica, trudy, and tom scola have all seen it.
ETA: Despite the two offers, this didn't need to be said twice!
Just heard from my best friend, she received job offers from both Maryland and Texas. Not, so far, from San Diego, unfortunately. Decision-ma for her and chill-ma for me as I prepare to see her go halfway or all the way across the country.
Going gray for a long weekend; see y'all in a bit. All's well, no need to worry.
Going semi-dark tomorrow as I'll be driving to Arizona to move Andi (Windsparrow) back to Minnesota to live with me.
Please direct stay-awake~ma, financial~ma, vehicle~ma and the like towards our success in this endeavor.
ETA: Path down will be, at this moment, Des Moines, KC, Wichita, OKC, Left at Albuquerque, Phoenix, Casa Grande.
Return path is undetermined.
Hi! I am posting from a friends computer to say that I am almost all moved, but I haven't set up my computer yet, so haven't been around.
The move went great! Although the movers were VERY late(like 6 hours, although they called) that gave me time to finish packing, so they could move almost everything ! and it was only $300! and they moved it all in three hours-- upper apartment to upper apartment!
TomW and I are darkish- Verizon turned off our phone and DSL early, and we are otherwise proccupied with moving. See y'all on the flip side!