Those of you who don't read UnAmericans might not know that I am another one of those currently involved in the Buffista plot to repopulate the globe. Number Two is due towards the end of August.
Well, things got a little complicated last week. After a routine ultrasound on Wednesday, I had a bleeding episode, though luckily I was in the Gynacological department of one of the top university hospitals in the country at the time. I was admitted, and the cause was soon discovered.
I have Placenta Praevia Totalis, which means that the placenta is lying above the cervix, covering it completely. While this can change in some pregnancies, it's unlikely to in my case. This has two main implications: (1) a c-section is the only way this baby is coming out; and (2) I am at increased risk of bleeding and the placenta detaching prematurely.
They let me out of hospital this morning, thank goodness (total boredom, and no internet access!), so now I'm on moderate bedrest at home for the next four months or so. The baby isn't yet viable at this stage - we're at 23 weeks - so it's just a case of waiting and hoping. If we get to 32, 35 or best of all 37 weeks, things start looking a lot more rosy.
So I guess I'm asking for some placenta-behave-ma, some no-more-bleeding-ma, and some grow-baby-grow-ma, if you could all send some towards Germany. Thanks.
Oh and by the way - it's a girl.