Natter delves into the finer points of foreign-language learning:
It made me wonder -- do you use the same counting word for penises that you do for bottles and cigarettes, or does that go in a different category?
I asked Wallybee this question for Chinese. Apparently the appropriate measure word here is gēn, meaning 'root'. Wine comes in bottles, penises come in roots.
I really like this language.
Now I really wish I had a husband and a root.
Wesson Scalper Palin
I go around lopping off the tops of cooking oil bottles? Or selling them at outrageous prices.
Tom Scola on Heroes, only generically spoily for this season's first aired episode:
I think the entire cast was given a serum over the summer that allows them to throw giant anvils around.
Paul Krugman is totally my economic scholar woobie.
Yeah, but James Galbraith has it going on.
Jesse for President!
Jesse: I don't know that I would have done a better job than Bush, frankly, because I would have spent all my time avoiding work with you people!
megan walker: Talking how you hate your cow-orker the Vice President, wondering what Speaker Pelosi would look like in a corset, and complaining about how the White Chef chef puts cilantro in everything?
brenda m: Oh, yeah. Can you picture President Jesse lecturing Congress? "You're going to just need to work it out in the thread. Don't make me Marcie your asses." And press conferences. "I've consulted with my Gang of Fourteen and we are in agreement: national F2F will be in Miami. Book early - rooms are going to be a bitch. Also: am not cowgirl. That is all."
Sophia Brooks: I am actually picturing President Jesse speaking to Congress IN the cowgirl costume.
Trudy Booth: It's because she's so real and folksy that the electorate connected with her. Who doesn't love a cowgirl?
It had to be done.
Gud: I'm finding the "Swedish Solution" to the crisis interesting...
tommyrot: I'm just scared of all the bad jokes it will spawn....
amych: What, just because we all know that the economy is bork bork borked?