In Bitches, adorable offspring bringing the smiles:
The bonus of this craxy day was that when one of the guys in the day care at the gym asked Owen if he was his BFF, Owen replied with, "MOMMY'S MY BFF!"
A few years ago, a door-to-door type person (a political campaigner? a salesman? a Sierra Club recruiter?) came to the door. Chris answered it with me, and started talking to the guy first, so I just stood there and let him, because it was all painfully cute. When Chris ran out of things to say, he asked the guy, "John, have you met my good friend Mommy?"
I used a sliderule in high school. Also, the snow was really deep and there were wolves.
Sophia Brooks:
One of my cow-workers just skipped down the hall in happiness because her size 2 pants were too big for her and she is all excited about having to get a size zero. Why does it matter? Except that it annoyed the piss out of me
I'm vaguely freaked by the Kosher for Passover Turduckens, but even more so by the fact that they're organic and free range. It's like wanting the maximum of purity in the most insanely unnatural form imaginable.
Discussing the latest political scandal in
Tom Scola:
According to the court filings, Spitzer's booty call cost him $4,300.
Not bad for government work.
I really hope I'm never involved in a stupid, embarrassing scandal. I'd have to stop watching the Daily Show.