Daisy Jane, in B'crazy, because it was a beautiful metaphor:
Daisy Jane: I think I understand!
There's a concert called Boxed Set with a bunch of different bands. Quirky British pop, folksy artsy stuff, and old school rock with a taste for pain.
So the last band has gotten a pretty decent following, they're a little more interactive and they are massively adored by their fans.
Fans of the other bands love it when fans of the OSRWATFP band seem to be enjoying it so much, and keep meaning to buy the new album, but just have too much other stuff going on.
However, at this latest concert, the cheers went on for a while because everyone was having such a good time listening to OSRWATFP, that some of the other bands on smaller stages were drowned out a bit.
So the organizers of the concert decided, "Hey OSRWATFP has gotten kinda huge! You could barely hear any of the other bands. Too bad we had to cut them off before the 4th encore. Maybe we should organize something where they headline! 'A Night with OSRWATFP' we'll call it!" "Brilliant!"
"Wait a minute!" says the fans of OSRWATFP. "We loved that concert gathering. We loved wandering from stage before our guys were up and listening to other bands. We are always on the lookout for another band to fill our hearts like OSRWATFP, or if we're really lucky, like that band we all used to listen to with the little tough blonde lead singer and the backup guys with the skin problems. Those were our peeps, and now you're kicking us out of the party?"
And fans of the other bands are all, "Well it was kinda hard to hear the music we like. We're happy your guys have been successful, and we love seeing y'all all excited, but we kinda want to hear our guys too."
At least that's how it's playing in my head.