yes, Tech...
Dude - not only did I bring home A BABY today, but my Harmony Remote is here! One-handed TV/Tivo/DVD/sound system navigation-while-breastfeeding here I come!
(Baby is currently sleeping. I know the traditional wisdom is "sleep when the baby sleeps," but I think the people who say that must not have cool new shiny toys to play with.)
Is this the first-ever baby announcement in the technology thread?
in Natter, re: ongoing discussion of Communion
I think they should bake the communion wafer in the shape of a bread bowl. Then pour in French onion soup, with a little wine in it... you could have a popular lunch special.
connie neil in Natter:
Hm, it appears the Planned Human Extinction people have vanished from the Internet. Which would fit with their plan.
I have my iPod on shuffle, and it's giving me such a soulpunkjazztronica fusion that it's enweirdening my afternoon.
AH Pancake Memories.
ita -I've also been wondering about coding to allow certain types of media in selected threads--some with pictures, say, or embedded YouTube. But only some threads.
DXMachina -
Gets Charlie Daniels photos ready in anticipation...
I was speechless, apparently...
I figured that's where the embedded YouTube video would go....
Ed is a man of few words.
I fixed. I don't know yer fancy tags to make the chevrons.
eta - and to preserve my non-geek cred, I had to look up that they are called chevrons.