'Beneath You'
Coffee On My Monitor
This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.
Two separate exchanges from Natter, both starring Lee.
Lee: Ever since I came in this morning, there's a weird sound coming from the walls, like a ghost dog got caught in them and is yowling to get out.
I wish it would stop.
Matt the Bruins Fan: You really did take a job with Wolfram & Hart, didn't you?
Lee: So, what's in people's "shit I didn't say" file for the day?
Plei: Shit I actually said at lunch:
"You know, somewhere, there's a universe where all you guys ended up as rentboys."
Lee: Were you talking to actual people, or SPN on your ipod?
Cindy, can we pretend I didn't say "actually" instead of "actual"?
I do know the difference, usual.
bon bon:
How NOT to impress a powerful partner with your industriousness of billability, by: me.
File all documents on your desk, leaving it mostly empty and shiny except for a clean pad of paper. Begin selecting which pens to put away by which ones have the most ink. Make eye contact with passing partner as you appear to be mostly occupied with staring at a pen in each hand. Get back to actual work.
shrift in Natter:
Speaking of customer calls, I have this embarrassing habit of completely blanking on customer names almost immediately after they tell me who they are. I have to write it down if I want to avoid the embarrassing, "And, uh... what name is your account under, again?"
Me: Brain, I know you don't give a shit about these people, but could you hold onto the info for at least two minutes before trashing it?
Brain: And overwrite all those Journey lyrics? NEVER.
Me: Fantastic. I'd be golden if only these people were named Wheelinthesky Keepsonturnin
I like to think Jesus would be cool with television, because that's the way Jesus rolls. He'd have to show God how to work the TiVo remote, though.
Isn't that what kids (Kids?) are for? To show Dad the new technology?
connie neil:
"Jesus! Get in here and program my VCR for me!"
"Oh, come on, Dad, haven't you figured that one out yet??"
12. Yea, and though the LORD had created the heavens and Earth, the beasts of the field and the birds of the air, the fish of the oceans and all that walk upon the Earth, he was sore vexed.
13. And the LORD sayeth unto his only Son, "Jesus, you must show unto me the way."
14. And Jesus said unto the LORD "Father, seriously. Again?"
15. And the LORD said unto his only son, "Jesus, I who am called I Am cannot get the clock to stop flashing the twelfth hour."
16. And Jesus did heave a heavy sigh and he did take the remote control from the LORD and he did say unto the LORD "It's really very simple."
17. And the LORD did mutter under His breath about "new-fangled contraptions."
So basically, the new version of the question is "Can God create a VCR that even he can't program"?
So basically, the new version of the question is "Can God create a VCR that even he can't program"?
substitute "human" for "VCR" and you've got it!
Sue in Natter:
Is interpretive dance ever a good idea? It's just a white face away from mime.
Teppy, in Bitches:
In brightest day, in blackest night
No typo shall escape my sight;
Let those who haven't learned to write
Beware my power, Mighty Editor's light!