Trudy Booth -
(to John, re: Thuy) You are violently cute about that woman.
John H -
I should say that she's not just cute. She might look like a delicate little oriental lotus-blossom, but she grew up in a tough neighbourhood, can beat me at pool every time, and from her time serving beer in sleazy bars in Saigon she knows how to hold her own in a bar-room brawl,
believe me.
t Natterishness
This is dangerously close to how I write
....PMM, are you only wearing briefs at the time? Because the very suggestion is in danger of igniting my keyboard. And I can't decide which is hotter - topless PMM in girl pants, or topless PMM in boy pants.
(computer bursts into flame)
Okay, it seems silly to copy and paste but see above:
(Normally boy briefs and an open robe.)
Yeah, what she glurbled.
In Bitches, Am-Chau Yarkona:
"Come here, precious. Dobby come to bed?"
"Dobby must sweep floor. Dobby must cook breakfast. Dobby is not fit to sleep with ex-holder of One Ring."
"Dobby is new precious. Dobby must bring Gollum what he sweeps up from Bag End floor."
It has potentional.
... I can't stop laughing; I'm going to hell.
billytea: First, it's the date on which, twelve years ago, Milli Vanilli were forced to return their Grammy, for which I think we can all be grateful. Vale Rob, vale Fab.
Jen: My god, man, is there anything you don't know?
billytea: I don't know what on earth possessed anyone to award it to them in the first place...
The Boy of Typos, in Natter:
My feeling is that if we don't have more nude peace rallies, the terrorists have already won.
In Buffy, non-spoilery for S7:
Amber B.: Buffy died to save the world and was resurrected. How much more Christ figure can she get?
Jess PMoon: Well, Xander's a carpenter who saved the world with a message of love.
billytea: If ever they had children, the birth would be attended by elderly women dressed in black hissing "It is the Kwisatz Haderach!"