Tim does material for us in his 'verse:
Years ago I knew this actress (don’t try to figure it out, she was never on any of my shows) who purchased, er, adopted twin babies from an Eastern European country. This actress was known amongst my circle to be a particular narcissist. She seemed to approach the acquisition of these tiny human beings as she would any pricey and exclusive boutique accessory. She even considered “returning” the one she deemed the least aesthetically pleasing. Whenever showing off her new items, she always fawned and cooed over what she termed “the cute one” and would mention the other as a disappointing afterthought.
My friends -- awful writer people -- imagined a “Sophie’s Choice” scenario for her. She’s carrying the two infants and some bags onto a train. She’s told by the conductor, “You must make a choice. You may take only one.” Without hesitating, the actress thrusts the less-cute child forward, “take the ugly one.”
The conductor blinks says, “I meant you can only take one piece of carry-on luggage.”
The actress looks to her designer carry-on bags. Considers it.
Then, still holding the wriggling infant aloft says, “take the ugly one anyway.”
in Minearverse on the same topic:
We have a "It takes a village..." banner in the office at school. Each time I see it I think, "Yep the entire school raises one kid. The other 2699 of you are screwed."
Betsy showing she has Tim Minear's number:
My cat is an ex-feral kitten. He sits in my lap and is all affectionate and nice and is wonderful to be around. Until he bites my hand with no warning. Much like a script written by Tim.
Aimee in Bitches making a point on behalf of all womankind:
Fuck a mousetrap. Someone go out there and invent a better uterus.
shrift - I solemnly swear that I will not write Mr. Belvedere porn if we get a new Natter.
Jon B. - OK, OK, I'm on it. Gimme a minute.
shrift again, Nattering about LKH and her "French" take on things:
It makes the baby Jesus wanna bitchslap somebody with le dictionnaire.
Crying of Natter 49:
It's weird. Right now, I can't even imagine the Star Trek music. I know I'd recognise it instantly (which is why I'm not bothering to find a sample to play), but it feels weird being so blank. It's like a hole in my brain.
Baaaaaaah bah bah baaaaaaah bah bah baaaaaaah! Bah bah bah bah bah baaaaah baaaah baaaah BUMP BUMP BUMP baaaaaa!
oooOOOOoooo ooo ooo ooo OOOOOO!
In Natter, New York is smelly again....
bon bon:
This morning I got a little freaked out that there was a slight gas smell in the apartment. Then I noticed that it was stronger near the window. Asked Bob to open the window and take a sniff. He reported, "Oh my god, it smells like if you had a friend made of gas, and you invited him over and he cut one." Another sniff out the window. "It's like the whole city farted at once!"
So, apparently the fact that I've been smelling gas and feeling nauseous is not related to my being pregnant. Eep!
[gassy xpost]
No one light a match!
Jeez, y'all and your mysterious smells. I think the syrup one was less alarming.
bon bon:
Me & the office mate are talking about it. He couldn't smell it in Brooklyn so we figured New Jersey farted. Or else their sulfur flavoring plant exploded.
JoeCrow in Minearverse, context irrelevant, really:
This is irking on a level that is difficult to express without resorting to Brobdingnagian levels of profanity.