She's potty training. It's slow going, but we don't mind because we don't want to push it and put her off of it completely. Yesterday, Joe was in there, attending to business, but he didn't shut the door completely. Em barged in there, watched him pee, and then proclaimed, "GOOD GIRL, DADDY!"
Water, water everywhere... from Natter:
Jessica: If I'm ever elected to office, I want to be photographed with my right hand on The Joy of Cooking.
Topic!Cindy: If you're not swearing on Alton Brown (himself, not a book), I'm not going to trust a word you say.
Jessica: My left hand will be on Alton Brown, but they may have to blur it for television.
A beautiful pitch, and a perfect hit, in
Great Write:
Ugh. I have to write jacket copy again today. The heroine? A Lycanthrope Queen (which apparently means a kind of cat person in this universe) named Siena (unrelated to the other female character in this series named Cinnamon). And she's a virgin. Of course. And she's tawny and gold and cat-featured and ...
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Here KittySue, here Kittysue.
Ginger, in B'cracy:
These things are hard to phrase. I think English needs an improbable mood as an auxiliary to the subjunctive.
Tim does material for us in his 'verse:
Years ago I knew this actress (don’t try to figure it out, she was never on any of my shows) who purchased, er, adopted twin babies from an Eastern European country. This actress was known amongst my circle to be a particular narcissist. She seemed to approach the acquisition of these tiny human beings as she would any pricey and exclusive boutique accessory. She even considered “returning” the one she deemed the least aesthetically pleasing. Whenever showing off her new items, she always fawned and cooed over what she termed “the cute one” and would mention the other as a disappointing afterthought.
My friends -- awful writer people -- imagined a “Sophie’s Choice” scenario for her. She’s carrying the two infants and some bags onto a train. She’s told by the conductor, “You must make a choice. You may take only one.” Without hesitating, the actress thrusts the less-cute child forward, “take the ugly one.”
The conductor blinks says, “I meant you can only take one piece of carry-on luggage.”
The actress looks to her designer carry-on bags. Considers it.
Then, still holding the wriggling infant aloft says, “take the ugly one anyway.”
in Minearverse on the same topic:
We have a "It takes a village..." banner in the office at school. Each time I see it I think, "Yep the entire school raises one kid. The other 2699 of you are screwed."
Betsy showing she has Tim Minear's number:
My cat is an ex-feral kitten. He sits in my lap and is all affectionate and nice and is wonderful to be around. Until he bites my hand with no warning. Much like a script written by Tim.