JZ, in Bitches, hitting my square in the childhood:
OTOH, we saw a flash of Suzi in the crowd, and moments later the phone rang -- Emmett, calling from his mom's house, to say, "Hey, that was Suzi! Did you see her?" Clearly, the Name-That-Cool-Grownup flash cards are working.
shrift in Boxed Set, no context means no spoilers:
I don't see him as a sex machine so much as sex positive, in a "So you've finally shaken off those pesky Puritanical roots, America! What will you do now?" "Oh, I think the question is what won't I do, Universe." kind of way.
Ha! I am so Tivo engrained that when I read this in thread, I didn't really understand it. I thought to myself, is that some kind of computer based tivo like MythTV? And why would they do that?
Hee. Hehehee.
in Bitches:
Baseball posting always makes me feel like that part in Xander's dream where Giles speaks French.
I'm surprised no one posted this yet, so I must.
Cyanide is natural. Rats are natural. Salmonella is natural. Chasing down small animals, killing them with sticks and eating them raw is natural. Squatting in the woods is natural. Sneezing and dripping from allergies is natural. I like to think we've reached the Post-Natural Age.
Shrift in Natter:
I am saddened to discover that "corporate executions" don't mean the same thing in real estate as they do at Wolfram & Hart.