"All Natural Applesauce" has HFCS in it. "100% Juice" has HFCS in it.
It's like that additive in the air on Miranda. Eventually, we're all gonna be so damned obese from HFCS that were all just gonna lay down and die.
Except for 1% of the population that has the opposite reaction and are all murdering, raping, cannibalistic Super Models.
I'm going to be at the Worldcon in Anaheim on these dates for these panels:
Wed 8/23 4:00 PM Title: WHY DOESN'T SF SEEM TO LAST ON TV?
Oh, oh, I know this one!
She's the seed of her own refutation, not to mention the (cow-generated) fertiliser.
In Minearverse:
Betsy HP: The batshit is found in all walks of life. (And can be cleaned off with the Hose of Reality.)
In Bitches:
Cashmere - We're being invaded by snot monsters. This can't be good.
Vortex - As long as you follow up with a phone call, I think it's fine.
eveiljimi in Minearverse:
So if the [jewish] son is dating a transexual is it, "oy vey, my son is dating a shiksa-bob"?
In Natter:
Gus: Wait. Crap. What was the argument?
Erin: The right word to hate God with.
Topic!Cindy: Is it misotheist?
Erin: Nope -- that's the term for "God's hot Japanese soup."
In Natter:
My family was fairly hippie so it wasn't unusual for me to see my folks naked. Of course, when I was six I knew nothing about testicles so I thought my Father had three penises.
Which made sense to me because he had three children.