Nilly in Natter:
I'm stopping the JewishMommy who is living inside me from telling people in snowed-places to make sure to bundle up, take spare socks, stuff like that. That InnerJewishMommy fights like she's learned the InnerMommy version of krav, but I try to keep her in check.
Cindy (Buffista Zero?) explains it all in B'crazy:
We don't have a boss here, in terms of etiquette. If any poster isn't somehow in flagrant disregard over a community standard, nobody is ever going to tell that poster "don't". Instead, it's usually going to come to the following:
Buffista 1: We got Whedonesqued!
Buffista 2: Direct link, or to the board?
Buffista Simon: Direct link, but I edited it.
Many Buffistas: Simon's so fooooooooooooooamy.
Buffista 3: I hate when we get Whedonequed.
Buffista 4: Well, I only Whedonesqued us, because I thought it was cool news.
Buffista 5: What's Whedoneque?
Buffista 6:
Buffista 3: I hate when we get Whedonequed.
Don't you think "hate" is sort of a strong word?
Buffista 7: Only a babe in the woods would think the internet is private.
Buffistas 1: This is news?
Buffista 2:
edited by Buffista 2 on Never 12, 2006 6:06:06 pm PST
Buffista 8: Um this is the internet; nothing is private
Buffista Strega: No starting posts with "um". Um. Wait. This is not my beautiful house.
All the Buffistas: Yes but we'll be your beautiful wife. Or husband. Or whatever. Same as it ever was.
Buffista Newbie: Except me. I'm a Eunich for Joss.
Buffista 10: That's
Buffista Newbie: U R meen.
Buffista Oldtimer: Have we ever explained about guacamole?
Buffista Newbie: Does it have cilantro in it, because I'm sort of allergic, or averse, or allergic.
Buffista Cilantro Lovers: THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS
Buffista Cilantro Haters: Bring. It. On.
Buffista Liese: [something sensible, respecting our tradition, while being open to different expressions of same]
All Buffistas Who Haven't "Left": Liese speaks for us!
Two months later...
Buffista 12: We just got Whedonesqued.
Nutty straightens out the theology in Natter.
Do you want to worship a god who might someday be arrested on Animal Precinct?
Ponens and tollens and induction--oh my!
The always delightful billytea, context unnecessary:
And I seem to have cemented my reputation at work as an eccentric, so now I can do whatever the hell I want and no one says boo! Did you know tomorrow is bathrobe day? I'm betting they don't either!
Kathy A:
Don't walk down a dark alley at night, unless you're Buffy or ita.
In Bitches:
You can milk anything with nipples.
brenda m:
t suddenly worried for Joe
We have a 50-50 marriage. I feed the baby, he feeds the dog.
I don't ask questions.
brenda's line isn't there.
It's been mentioned here recently that parts of my family are just bugfuck crazy.
Trudy Booth:
How does one fuck a bug?
vw bug:
SPP is dead to me.
Am-Chau Yarkona:
... we still have snakes in England (and Wales and Scotland): the grass snake (which is actually a legless lizard), the adder (the posionous but really rare one)... and possibly one other I've forgotten.
I don't care what they are technically, that's a snake.
The Tiajuana Estuary has some flavor of legless lizard and no one will ever convince me that they just aren't snakes that are lying to themselves.
Because I cannot stop laughing about this, in Natter....
Don't put a pencil in your penis
Belgrade - A Serbian man needed emergency surgery after sticking a pencil inside his penis to keep it stiff during sex.
Ugh! Aiee! My eyes!
Don't put a pencil in your penis
Well, there goes my weekend.
Okay, ow. Why would anyone think that was a good idea? And, ow!
Some people juggle geese.
And to think, until today, I honestly thought there were some things you wouldn't ever need to post a warning about. Wrong again!
Well, now there's a whole new, even more insulting layer of meaning to calling somebody a "pencil-dick".
It also gives exciting new meaning to the phrase "get the lead out".
And you just know someone will file a class action suit that will be settled by having that warning message printed on every package of pencils manufactured for here on.
Fred Pete:
I've heard of "putting the lead in your pencil," but I never thought it was meant literally.
It's only right and proper that every pencil (and in a few years, every pen too) have the words DO NOT INSERT INTO PENIS printed on them.
We just didn't know it until now.
At least a pen doesn't carry the risk of splinters. More parts, though.
Might have been a mechanical pencil. However, then there's no got wood joke.
I find myself wondering if he, perhaps, hollowed out the pencil so he could ejaculate, or if that hadn't crossed his mind between thinking "crayon-en-pénis" was a good idea and actually carrying out the doltish deed.
Hmm. "Clicking your Bic" takes on new possibilities if it's a pen.
God that would make maturbation noisy.
click click click clickclickclickclick
I once had a wooden mechanical pencil.
I also have a combination pen/laser pointer.
I read a horrid romance novel once that talked about the hero writing messages of love on the (I'm sorry to say) womb of the heroine. At the time I wondered what the writing instrument was.
Now I know.
I also have a combination pen/laser pointer.
An hour ago that wouldn't have sounded like TMI.
Maybe I'm just too choosy, but I wouldn't have sex with someone who had a pencil IN HIS DICK.
I also have a combination pen/laser pointer.
See, now that I could understand trying. Well, "understand" in the sense that a laser coming out of your penis is just sorta sci-fi awesome.