I just got an email from our associate pastor, letting me know tomorrow's morning services have been called off on account of the snow storm. Mind you, this is New England, and not one flake has fallen.
I ought to get a cookie for refraining from sending my first response: "Oh ye of little faith."
In Movies:
Jessica: Bollywood is remaking Fight Club. Seriously. [eta: Music video clips!]
Theodosia: The Second Rule of Fight Club Is That You Don't Sing About Fight Club.
Nilly in Natter:
I'm stopping the JewishMommy who is living inside me from telling people in snowed-places to make sure to bundle up, take spare socks, stuff like that. That InnerJewishMommy fights like she's learned the InnerMommy version of krav, but I try to keep her in check.
Cindy (Buffista Zero?) explains it all in B'crazy:
We don't have a boss here, in terms of etiquette. If any poster isn't somehow in flagrant disregard over a community standard, nobody is ever going to tell that poster "don't". Instead, it's usually going to come to the following:
Buffista 1: We got Whedonesqued!
Buffista 2: Direct link, or to the board?
Buffista Simon: Direct link, but I edited it.
Many Buffistas: Simon's so fooooooooooooooamy.
Buffista 3: I hate when we get Whedonequed.
Buffista 4: Well, I only Whedonesqued us, because I thought it was cool news.
Buffista 5: What's Whedoneque?
Buffista 6:
Buffista 3: I hate when we get Whedonequed.
Don't you think "hate" is sort of a strong word?
Buffista 7: Only a babe in the woods would think the internet is private.
Buffistas 1: This is news?
Buffista 2:
edited by Buffista 2 on Never 12, 2006 6:06:06 pm PST
Buffista 8: Um this is the internet; nothing is private
Buffista Strega: No starting posts with "um". Um. Wait. This is not my beautiful house.
All the Buffistas: Yes but we'll be your beautiful wife. Or husband. Or whatever. Same as it ever was.
Buffista Newbie: Except me. I'm a Eunich for Joss.
Buffista 10: That's
Buffista Newbie: U R meen.
Buffista Oldtimer: Have we ever explained about guacamole?
Buffista Newbie: Does it have cilantro in it, because I'm sort of allergic, or averse, or allergic.
Buffista Cilantro Lovers: THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS
Buffista Cilantro Haters: Bring. It. On.
Buffista Liese: [something sensible, respecting our tradition, while being open to different expressions of same]
All Buffistas Who Haven't "Left": Liese speaks for us!
Two months later...
Buffista 12: We just got Whedonesqued.
Nutty straightens out the theology in Natter.
Do you want to worship a god who might someday be arrested on Animal Precinct?
Ponens and tollens and induction--oh my!
The always delightful billytea, context unnecessary:
And I seem to have cemented my reputation at work as an eccentric, so now I can do whatever the hell I want and no one says boo! Did you know tomorrow is bathrobe day? I'm betting they don't either!
Kathy A:
Don't walk down a dark alley at night, unless you're Buffy or ita.
In Bitches:
You can milk anything with nipples.
brenda m:
t suddenly worried for Joe
We have a 50-50 marriage. I feed the baby, he feeds the dog.
I don't ask questions.
brenda's line isn't there.