In Buffy/Angel, discussing SMG's reputed desire for a topless scene:
Wolfram:Maybe Sally Struthers should start collecting for her. I'd happily throw in the 50c a day.
billytea:"Your spare change could buy a B-list actress a nude scene."
Raquel : "Do you wish SMG had cleavage? Sure, we all do."
So good, it deserves to be COMMed twice:
But really, if you want to see obsessive, come by Natter and tell everyone you didn't wear your seatbelt while tossing kittens out your car window on your way to the central library to randomly tear pages out of books.
Emily, on combining math homework and
Maybe we could watch-n-post and I could slip in requests for studying help so it would be like studying.
"Man, those pants sure are tight. Say, if the cut of Mal's pants could be described by a third-degree function, how would we go about finding the area within them?"
Betsy, in Boxed Set:
Conversation Tuesday night:
Me: "It's 90 damn degrees again."
Daughter: "Language, Mom."
Me: "Okay, it's 90 frelling degrees again."
Daughter: "Geekishness, Mom."
Heh. I was just coming over to post that. Glad somebody immortalized it.
Discussing Jonathan Rhys-Meyers' suitability for playing Bond, in
Kate P.:
I don't think JRM would really work well in the role, as much as I love him.
Doesn't Bond often have to run? That knocks him right out of contention.
Keyboard issues in
(edited when it got even funnier):
I have an ice pack right now that I am moving about. Got a buggy bite on my foot so I was numbing it. But it is lovely for the coolness. Pillow-sized would be great.
Th5s 5s the f5rst 6f the -- 2eyb6ard 5s w6n52y. What g5ves/ 0. 4st reb66t. W6n2y. 05ss 0y v6we3s.
2eyb6ard has 36st a r6w. Th5s 5s bad. Never 2new h6w 04ch 4sed that r6w.
W533 beat c60-4ter t6 death 3ater. have "eeeeeeeeeeee"s!! Act4a33y, have a33 6f qwert. The rest are g6ne. N40bers f6r tw6 r6ws.
A3-ha0et tr5a3+ a b c d e f g h 5 1 2 3 0 n 6 - q r s t 4 v w x y z. N6w 0essed 0y ABCs, waht the fre33 d6 y64 th5n2 6f 0e/
Cass, hit the "Fn" button on your keyboard. It looks like you've turned on the number you have a laptop?
Oh, dear. It's like Giles in the one where Ethan turns him into a demon and no one can understand him. Except Spike. Where's Spike? Cass needs you.
brenda topping my ugly cake stories:
I love ugly cakes. Someday I'll dig up a picture of the easter bunny cake my sister and I made that ended up requiring four hours, two trips to the store, a half a dozen toothpicks, and had gimlet flavored icing.
Attack Ads Against Jesus in Natter.
I mean, if Jesus ran, I'm sure they'd make up a bunch of bullshit to smear Him.... (Disciples of Jesus for Truth?)
Picture of Jesus
Jesus wants you to think he's a well-reasoned, compassionate politician. But he doesn't want you to know about the real Jesus.
Ominous music, picture morphs to angry image of Jesus and pulls back to show him turning over tables in the Temple.
Witness Voiceover:
He just went crazy, wouldn't listen to reason.
Another Witness:
He's a madman.
Picture changes to show Jesus holding a whip in the Temple
Voice of small girl:
He was so scary.
Fade to black.
Which one is the real Jesus, can you afford to be wrong.
Nearly Mumbled: Paid for by the Temple goers for truth.
They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps.
[picture of Jesus with women of dubious character]
Did you know Jesus is frequently seen in the company of whores?
They say you can judge a man by his actions.
[picture of revelers at wedding at Cana]
Apparently Jesus has to have alcoholic beverages on hand at all times -- even going to far as to change pure, healthy water into wine.
And there are some things that, frankly, make us downright uneasy.
[picture of Jesus washing apostles' feet]
What's with the foot fetish, Jesus?
[voiceover on black screen]
Do we really want a kinky, alcoholic whore-lover in office?