Jilli with words on how to live ... or at least how to dress:
I'm trying to remember the last time I used the iron. I think it was when I was embossing bats on a velvet skirt.
Ha! No, absolutely no ironing needed in the JilliWardrobe. Lots of flowy black lace and stretch velvet, plus some wool, silk, or non-stretch velvet that involves going to the dry cleaning place, but no ironing. A frock coat means never having to iron your blouses.
Is that to the tune of Macarena?
Oh crap, it is now.
The fact that I am an insomniac that has been posting all night on a number of boards does not in any way diminish the fact that I have a conference call in about fifteen minutes in a language I learned imperfectly in my fifties.
David S:
Can you imagine how much it sucked to live in the Soviet Union from the 30s through the 50s?
The best part is, you spend 15 years starving and/or being oppressed like crazy, and then you have to turn around and spend 5 years going, "Wait, okay, we don't want to be Soviets, but we don't want to be/be massacred by Nazis either." Like, does Fate have to choke a bitch??
brenda m, in Bitches:
Seen on the bus this morning:
A woman wearing black leggings under her knee length black skirt.
With nude pantyhose over them! WTF?
Maybe I should whitefont that for the squeamish.
Plei, in bitches:
my typing fingrt is trapped in baby myhth. send hrp. toes nt cttinf it.
Matt the Bruins Fan
in Natter
Wow. Tonight on the drive home, I was treated to the most spectacular double rainbow I've ever seen in my life. It spanned over 1/4 of the horizon, and the brighter ring was clearly visible all the way through its arc. It wasn't a quick, transitory thing either—it lasted for 18 miles of driving.
At one point, one end of it lined up perfectly with the highway I was on and I thought "If I end up driving to Asgard without calling first, my folks are going to be pissed."
Nutty in the Lost thread: (not spoilery for next season unless you tilt your head sideways and squint, but I'll white font just in case.)
We do not reward clumsy people with martyrdom, or else the Catholic pantheon of saints would be really, really enormous.
Darn! Calli beat me to it.
bwah! i'm missing some good stuff by not going in that thread. must rectify.