Matt the Bruins Fan
in Natter
Wow. Tonight on the drive home, I was treated to the most spectacular double rainbow I've ever seen in my life. It spanned over 1/4 of the horizon, and the brighter ring was clearly visible all the way through its arc. It wasn't a quick, transitory thing either—it lasted for 18 miles of driving.
At one point, one end of it lined up perfectly with the highway I was on and I thought "If I end up driving to Asgard without calling first, my folks are going to be pissed."
Nutty in the Lost thread: (not spoilery for next season unless you tilt your head sideways and squint, but I'll white font just in case.)
We do not reward clumsy people with martyrdom, or else the Catholic pantheon of saints would be really, really enormous.
Darn! Calli beat me to it.
bwah! i'm missing some good stuff by not going in that thread. must rectify.
The PTC has asked the FCC to issue a notice of apparent liability against each Fox affiliate that aired [The Inside].
I keep wondering if Tim gets a framed certificate of some kind. A "Won't Someone Think of the Children?" award.
But of course, when Tim thinks of the children, they're gutting each other and tossing the body in the backyard pool.
I'd leave my nephew with Tim. I'm certain he'd put him to bed, fed, bedtime storied, and happy before the "Warning: This program contains graphic content that may be unsuitable for children" announcement came up, loud and clear.
Or you know, he'd at least have him crated by 8pm.
And the air-holes won't be in the direction of the tv.
In Buffy/Angel, discussing SMG's reputed desire for a topless scene:
Wolfram:Maybe Sally Struthers should start collecting for her. I'd happily throw in the 50c a day.
billytea:"Your spare change could buy a B-list actress a nude scene."
Raquel : "Do you wish SMG had cleavage? Sure, we all do."
So good, it deserves to be COMMed twice:
But really, if you want to see obsessive, come by Natter and tell everyone you didn't wear your seatbelt while tossing kittens out your car window on your way to the central library to randomly tear pages out of books.