Happy birthday Plei!
Happy Birthday, Plei!
Happy Birthday, Plei!!
Sophia Brooks:
Happy Birthday Plei!!!
Happy Birthday Plei!!!
Send in the clones...
There ought to be clones...
Kristin in Bitches:
filk to the tune of "Darlin' Clementine"
Too much grading, too much grading,
Too much graaaaading, do I see,
Research papers that give me vapors,
And these exams are scaring me.
If I focus, if I focus,
if I fooooocus, it may be
that this grading will start fading
and be replaced by the tropical sea.
Oh why is it, oh why is it,
Oy why iiiiiiiis it, that these guys
Can't form a thesis that's not specious
Or at least not hard on the eyes?
If I finish, If I finish,
If I fiiiiiinish these today
I'll be woozy and likely boozey
No matter what those school rules say.
thus ends the procrastination of the moment
I'm watching School Hard.
I miss Spike.
I'm looking at linoleum.
I miss Spike, too.
Where creative writing and acoustical engineering meet, in new and disturbing ways. A multi-party exchange from Great Write:
Erin - I'll give you feedback! I have feedback coming out of my bottom!
Steph L. - I think you can get a prescription to help with that.
connie neil - Moving the microphone away from the speaker should help, too.
Erin - BWAH! Getting some disturbing, yet funny, visuals to go with that...
deborah grabien - You move your Shure mic in, you move your Shure mic out, you move your Shure mic in, and you crank the feedback out...Yes. Definitely disturbing.
NoiseDesign - Would now be a good time to point out that in the industry a wireless transmitter plugged onto the bottom of a regular microphone, like a Shure SM57, is called a butt plug?
waxes lyrically about driving cars. In Natter.
When stuck in traffic, I often start pondering how utterly odd it is that I have instinctive reactions related to directing this giant metal box on wheels. I don't think about the funny dance with your feet for shifting, or how much I'm going to swerve with a 10 degree turn of the wheel at 10, 30 and 60 mph. I just know. (And have to jam my left foot under the seat when driving an auto.) Which is kinda cool and kinda aaiiieee humans and machines merging.
The other thing stuck in traffic makes me ponder is how utterly squishable we are and dude, I'm the soft filling in this metal creampuff and who ever thought squishables hurtling around at 50 mph inside a flimsy metal egg was a good idea?
Delay on Iraq and Houston. "You know, if Houston, Texas, was held to the same standard as Iraq is held to, nobody'd go to Houston"
This is the reason I don't want to visit Houston. The car bombings, the kidnapping, the dangerous trip from the Houston airport to the safe green zone area of Houston. At least in Iraq it's a dry heat and you don't have to wait to get into the restaurants.
Because it made me laugh, and we don't need no stinking context, ita from natter:
Aha! No bad pieces of meat! They must be banished, not mitigated!
ChiKat, on the way home from seeing Serenity:
Thong and ass! It's too much thong and ass!! I didn't want to see that!
Fay describing her natural crimefighting affinity with billytea:
Continents apart, we regard most crime with marked disapproval. And talk about the works of Joss Whedon. Amongst other things, including (but not limited to) echidnas, The Lord of the Rings, the serial comma, swearing, ant farms, art history, Science Fiction and duct tape.