Delay on Iraq and Houston. "You know, if Houston, Texas, was held to the same standard as Iraq is held to, nobody'd go to Houston"
This is the reason I don't want to visit Houston. The car bombings, the kidnapping, the dangerous trip from the Houston airport to the safe green zone area of Houston. At least in Iraq it's a dry heat and you don't have to wait to get into the restaurants.
Because it made me laugh, and we don't need no stinking context, ita from natter:
Aha! No bad pieces of meat! They must be banished, not mitigated!
ChiKat, on the way home from seeing Serenity:
Thong and ass! It's too much thong and ass!! I didn't want to see that!
Fay describing her natural crimefighting affinity with billytea:
Continents apart, we regard most crime with marked disapproval. And talk about the works of Joss Whedon. Amongst other things, including (but not limited to) echidnas, The Lord of the Rings, the serial comma, swearing, ant farms, art history, Science Fiction and duct tape.
Natter, on drugs (discussing drugs, making no judgement as to the pharmacological status of any individual poster):
Jesse: Am I crazy that I figure doubling up any OTC drug one time is pretty much OK? Am I going to wake up dead one of these days?
Hec: You'll probably just wake up in a coma.
Jesse: I could use the sleep.
What? Oh, it's me again. And reporting from Minearverse again. And, uh, quoting myself again:
I thought there was actually a flesh-eating dog named Jeffrey somewhere in fiction.
You're thinking of Clifford.
Breastfeeding issues in Bitches:
Ple: I may have to break Lily of her habit of regulating flow by pulling and twisting the nipple before she grows teeth.
Aimee: I've heard tell that slighty flicker her cheek will do the trick.
Ple: I'm torn. Right now, I'd rather have the pain than have her gag on an over-active letdown, as the physical pain is easier on me than seeing her startled look of betrayal when the boobie attacks.
displaying her finely tuned sense of consistency in Natter:
I will sneak into a second movie in a multiplex with no problem, but I won't go over in a checkout line. It makes ethical sense IN MY HEAD.