In dog Strider:
Kathy Astrom posted a snippet of a report on the talk Peter Jackson gave about the Miramax 1 film version of LotR (the one that PJ absolutely refused to do):
it essentially had the name ‘Lord of the Rings’, and not much more than that. For example, the whole Moria sequence was gone, the idea being that they’d pick the story up on the other side and Frodo would say ‘Well, damn, weren’t those caves/orcs something. Pity about Gandalf.’ Applying the ‘Tell not Show’ principle, obviously. Gondor and Rohan were to be collapsed into one country, ruled over by a synthesis of Theoden and Denethor. The mind just boggles.
Calli: Just how would one do this? Put Theothor on a horse, set both on fire, pitch them out of Minas Tirith, and have 'em take out a bunch of orcs when they land?
(And still I say: "Flammminnnngg Death!"--A Bug's Life)
DX, in the Lost thread, context be damned:
Probably just as well you didn't. I'm pretty sure people who burst into flames on airplanes get put on a special watch list.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife's iPod.
Thou shalt not bear false witness to the iPod.
Thou shalt not take the iPod's name in vain.
Thou shalt honor thy Mother's and Father's iPod.
Thou shalt keep the iPod day holy.
Thou shalt not murder thy iPod by letting the battery run out.
Thou shalt not have any other iPods before this one.
Thou shalt not have any graven image of the iPod, ie that HP crap.
Thou shalt not steal music for your iPod.
You shall not commit adultery by using someone else's iPod.
These are laws.
And those tablets can NOT be returned - they are engraved.
Okay, I tried to post this right after shrift, but then my browser did the thing where it won't load the board anymore, so I'm a little late. Whatever.
While I was pondering this question, I thought, well, the Buddha would only need one song, or no song at all, and maybe that goes for Christ as well. But maybe in fact Jesus would want all songs, loving all of human creation. Which means, either way, that divine beings (does Buddha count as divine? how about incarnations?) wouldn't use the iProduct currently on the market, because only humans need something between all and nothing. Which is much like a system of two algebraic equations -- it can have no answers, all answers, or one answer. Humans would have one answer, but Higher Powers would be either parallel but separate lines or overlapping on all points.
Maybe I shouldn't do religion right after algebra quizzes
connie neil:
I've not only let that bitch Hope park in the driveway, she's turned off the engine and thinking of coming inside. I think I'll make her sit on the porch for a while, just in case.
Susan W:
I totally want a teleporter. Or at least a flying car.
I've tried to read all the posts since I left earlier today, but all I can keep in my head is that I typed nightmare's rather than nightmares.
O my Buffistas,
I am heartily sorry for
having offended thee,
and I detest my apostrophe abuse,
because I dread the loss of plurals,
and the pains of inappropriate ownership;
but most of all because
they offend thee, my Buffistas,
Who are all foamy and
deserving of all my grammar.
I firmly resolve,
with the help of the edit function,
to confess my apostrophe abuse,
to proofread,
and to edit my post.
Tom Scola:
I have this recurring fantasy of kidnapping Steven Spielberg and forcing him to make a dogme-95-compliant film at gunpoint.
Ooooh. Need a driver?