on Season 5 release day:
I knew that you were fronting in your fanliness! a REAL fan would be hiding in the supply closet with a laptop!
Angel DVDs: $40
Laptop: $300-500
Look on the faces of cow-orkers who note the Angel theme coming from the stall in the men's room: Priceless
Heh. Lilty's COMM deserves the follow-up --
Captain Jack came back wrong.
The continuing Capatain Jack Saga:
I have developed the theory that Captain Jack is a spiritually advanced bodhisattva who came back as an immortal fish just to amuse us.
Wow. I feel like my room should be cleaner.
ita in Natter, context be damned:
But they all have their nummy moments. If I had to F/C/M Logan, Logan and Logan, then I'd have a problem. But if you switch Logan for Logan, then at least I'd have one to C without that much remorse.
In Angel--
Betsy, on the S5 dvds: Heh.
"Spike and Angel; they were hanging out for years and years and years. They were all kinds of deviant. Are people thinking they never...? Come on, people! They're opened-minded guys!" - Joss Whedon, DVD commentary to "A Hole in the World"
ita: Some gay porn? Less gay.
connie neil: Hah! Slashers are happy tonight.
Frankenbuddha: In the I-net, the lovely I-net, the slashers meep tonight...
Nutty in Great Write:Twice Upon A Time, and who cares about context:
There's a drabble topic in there somewhere, but only if everyone can bear to drabble about jowly, puffy men in ugly track suits.
ita, in the Angel thread:
I can see Lorne in the leather with a whip no problem. Nipple clamps in one hand, seabreeze in the other.