Bitches on beloved songs...
Also, Dancin' In The Street. Any version.
Um? I know every OB gives different restrictions, but I think not smoking crack when pregnant was universal, Aimee.
Aimee wasn't beloving. She was behating.
Let's kill the thread with muskrat filk! It's only 8500 more posts!
Cindy sums up the afternoon in Bitches:
You think that Bitches would have enough of silly muskrats
I look around me and I see, it isn't so, oh no.
Some Bitches want to fill with silly muskrats
And what's wrong with that
I need to know
'Cause here I go
on the fine art of celebrity sightings:
David Spade was having a cup of soup at Mo's. At first I thought, "Whoa. He's taller than I thought." Then I realized the problem. He was seated and I was standing.
(side note...a graffito around the corner from my house here says in English "Fuck You Beach." I give points for the attempt)
Ooh. Sand in new places.
Regarding Bush's Back Box, a friend wrote me that he was hoping someone would crack the frequency and start putting their own script into Bush's mouth:
Bush: I love sasquatch, I believe in sasquatch, and if elected I'll make sasquatch a member of my cabinet, probably the Department of the Interior. Oh, and fuck the Jews, and I did a couple of lines of coke off a hooker name Steve's back not more than twenty minutes ago and paid him in Krugerrands that Dick Cheney pulls out from behind his ear. I call my johnson "El Buche."