The only thing that would stop me from eating a cheesecake is visible mold.
Kalshane, in reply to Sarameg, in Natter:
It's like we have ... feral IT staff or something.
This gives me this amusing image of unshaven geeks in rumpled business clothes wearing ties like headbands dashing on all fours between cubicles and cautiously sniffing electronics.
That said, it sounds like their management needs to figure out how to housebreak them or something.
billytea filking in Bitches:
Treat me like a fool
Treat me mean and cruel
Just COMM me
Tear my posts apart
Say they've got no heart
Just COMM me
I would beg and steal
Just to see my name
Heading up a COMM
(my first time committing COMM, incidentally, of course I got the formatting wrong...)
Gandalfe, on Angel:
I'll be in my bunk. Or maybe someone else's bunk, I don't care, just get me a freaking bunk.
NovaChild in Quotables:
A hush settles over the crowd as the race creeps toward the finish. At this point it's neck-and-neck, the last few laps will decide it all. Will Harmony forever be known as stupid-yet-endearing or stupid-yet-tactless-yet-endearing? Or, in fact, both? I don't know about you, but I'm excited to see the outcome of this event. It could change the very shape of deathmatches to come.
proving the Hellmouth is still alive and kicking:
GWB has accepted the nomination. It's all over but the ascension.
Is he going to do the whole speech?
Oh just ascend already.
Dubya has arrived in NYC. They've completely closed off 3rd Avenue so that the official Dubya caravan can drive to the Waldorf the wrong way down a one-way street.
That's what happens when you let Dubya drive.
Hec, in Natter, on the subject of JZ's mom:
Her Mom won't just take her on a guilt trip, she'll take her on a Grand Tour of all the major cities of continental Guilt: St. Flagellation, Unworthiesburg, Olde Shame. The classics.
ita, in Natter on the naming of one's children after hurricanes:
I would totally consider naming my kid after a hurricane she was born during.
However, living in CA, I'll likely end up with kids named 5.3 and 4.2 instead.