Kristen explains Book Club:
Okay, Allyson here is my NSYNCified version of what JenP said:
Let's imagine for a moment that instead of a Book Club Thread, we were talking about...a Popslash Fic Round Robin Writing Thread. So instead of "genres" you have pairings. The first month, we're gonna write JC/Justin fic. Everybody throws out ideas on what story we should write for JC & Justin. So one person says they want a Coming of Age/First Love Story in Germany. And someone else says they want a present day "Justin is an evil diva" fic. And someone else says they want a "JC is a kinky motherfucker with a heart of gold, yo" fic. And Plei wants this cracked out AU where JC is Batman and Justin is the Boy Wonder and Chris is, like, Alfred or something. And ita keeps wandering around saying, "Why isn't it a Chris month yet, damnit?"
So after everyone's shared what they'd like to write, the field is narrowed. Plei's cracked out AU is tossed because, you know, CRACK. And everyone ignores ita because, hi, it's JC & Justin month. Which leaves us with three options. Those three options are put up at MrPoll or what have you and the slashers vote.
Most votes win. And everyone starts writing about how JC is a kinky motherfucker with a heart of gold, yo.
Next time around, it's the same thing only we're focusing on ideas for the pairing of Lance & Chris.
I think.
I went to the lamest play ever today. And that might be factually true, less than half the cast can walk.
Billytea totally loses his shit in Lightbulbs:
That's cool. Or when it comes time to choose the next book, we can designate a post number about fifty posts ahead, and whoever successfully numbersluts for it gets to choose the next book, and then you get about fifty posts in a row of people just posting "SLUT!" "SLUT!" "SLUT!" "SLUT!" "SLUT!" "IN YOUR FACE, TROLLOPE PIMPS!" Only then one month you'll have a tie as two people grab the same number, and then we go to a whore-off.
Coffee on the monitor, Diet Coke on the monitor . . . same diff.
Matt the Bruins fan: Also, whoever plans to lead the torch-bearing mob better be quiet about it beforehand: while I was at a loss for gunpowder, bachelor living has made me all too aware of how to make salmonella.
connie neil:
billy, you don't need any more soap opera.
I will accept more soap opera only on the condition that it is Mexican.
From Bitches, where villainy still needs a few lessons ...
I'm about to snatch up an eBay item for good money. Sniping rules!
And I ain't closing that opening tag neither!
(a few posts later)
Dude, right after I posted my nefarious plot, two bids were placed! A karmic eBay smackdown?
Super-villain rule #1: Never gloat. Not until the plan is totally complete, the hero is dead and his head is mounted on a pike in front of your dark stronghold as a warning to others, and you can stir the smoldering ashes of your enemies' encampments with your boot. Then you may allow yourself a slight self-satisfied smile and perhaps a small "hah" under your breath.
This is confirmed in our experiments showing that the THING1, signifying the taking over of THING2 throughout the entire sample, is always observed at lower fields for the smaller sample.
All I'm getting from this is that you've got the Cat in the Hat characters locked in different rooms and are doing experiments on them.
The nature of evil is contemplated in Bitches
You think Evil has, like, a Best Boy?
What does a Best Boy do?
Is it dirty?
If there's a First Evil and a Second First Evil and a Second Second Evil, is I Don't Know still on third? Or was he traded for a southpaw Evil Shortstop? Should there be a salary cap for Evil Major League Baseball?
If you're a free agent in the Evil Major League Baseball, can you be a Third Second First Evil etc., or would they just call you "Fernando" even if your name was, like, Bob?
Do they have Evil Hot Dogs? How about Evil Peanuts?
How long is the line to get into the Evil Womens' Restroom at Evil Stadium? Does the Evil Mens' Restroom have urinals, a trough, or just a bunch of sinks along the wall?
What time is it, anyway?
HEY! Help yer wife and look for a programmable talking doll/action figure if yer bored!