Joe Boucher, with the best excuse for losing a CD ever, in the music thread:
I think I'm the CD swap bottleneck. I received a package from erinaceous and was in the process of making a copy for msbelle when the door burst open and two jackbooted thugs--one male, one female--knocked me over and ripped the CD out of my computer. She tasered me while he graffitied my walls: "Dean Olsher sucks" and "The Next Big Thing is for subliterate morons" and "John Wayne's a fag" (the last eliciting a nasal "He is not!" from her, to which he responded, also nasally, "He is too, you boys! I went to Brentwood to install two-way mirrors and he came to the door in a dress." She roared with laughter, tasered me again and they did various scenes from Repo Man for the next fifteen minutes. They especially enjoyed the "What about our relationship?" scene, tasering me whether or not I gave the proper response, namely "Fuck that!"). They were disguised, but there was no mistaking the voices: I had just had my ass kicked by Ira Glass and Sarah Vowell. Who would want to admit to that? And I would have kept it quiet, but since I lost the CD along with my dignity and thereby screwed up the sacred Buffistamix flow I have decided to own up to my shame. Why should I be ashamed of getting caught in the crossfire of internecine PRI squabbling? I shouldn't... but getting one's assed kicked by Sarah Vowell is one thing, getting it kicked by Ira Glass is a whole 'nother level of embarassment.
HA! That is the funniest thing I've read, maybe ever.
Heather, on a roll in Quotable Angel
Sure. You could give Connie your votes, but I think if you look at her record, you'll see that she's weak on Cordy's tactless quotes, and doesn't have a feel for the nuance of Wesley quotes. I think we need a good Best Angel Quote, a strong Best Angel Quote. And I think, that if you give me your votes, together, we can do that.
Discussing dumbly named holidays in Natter:
bon bon: coming this July... July!
tommyrot: "In a world... where June was over...."
Oh dear. Vortex, could you change the fell to feel, and I'mma go back and do that to my post.
Summing up a big part of why I hate Faulkner --
Fred Pete: Which is longer, a sentence or a page?
Try again, Mr. Faulkner.
in Bitches:
Susan W: Annabel-willing* list for tomorrow.
- My new version of a to do list--it's all the things that broadly need to get done, but I don't get to beat myself up if Annabel keeps me from getting to them all
billytea: You should get a t-shirt with the slogan "Insha'Annabel".
The conversation in Quotable Angel needs be immortalized for its brilliance:
connie neil: Of course, Heather would be a good custodian of votes, but what I think this question really comes down to is, what kind of Angel do you want today? Is your Angel better off than he was five years ago? I submit to you, my friends, that this question can only be resolved by someone who appreciates the charming Angel, the wry Angel, and all those who surround him.
Heather Alayne: I agree with Connie's assesment of the question, but the answer is not found in the quotes she favors, but in the quotes that last in all Buffistas' hearts and minds. Ms. Neil, I know Tim Minear; Tim Minear is a good friend of mine, and you are no Tim Minear.
I heard connie had a secret confrence with the writers and asked if they couldn't make Cordy "softer, more motherly and saint-like"
connie neil: It grieves me that my honorable opponent has allowed the tenor of our discussion to be lowered with hearsay and rumor which, if examined with a clear and reasoning eye, would easily be seen to be merely the result of muckraking and small mindedness. We must not be taken in by divisiveness! Ask not what your Deathmatch can do for you. Instead, ask what you can do for your Deathmatch!
I heard Heather was responsible for Eve, even going so far as to personally attend auditions
Heather Alayne: If that's the route my opponent wishes to take, I find it unfortunate. I would never ever have mentioned her role in bringing Spike back from the grave- even though it is a documented fact that she is a member of Fans For Spike's Return. In all of this, Ms. Neil has forgotten that this is about the quotes.
connie was wholly responsible for "She"
connie neil: I have never been ashamed of my membership in Fans For Spike's Return. It is not a membership I have ever tried to hide, and it is a group known for its interests in perpetuating the arts and finer things in life. It is a community with a proven program of bringing quotes to the masses, sharing screen caps with the less fortunate, making sure that all those in our great land have a little bit of Spike to call their own, if they so desire. But all tastes are valid, and everyone is welcome under the big tent. Let us then go forward together into the Deathmatch, that these quotes should not perish from the map!
Heather told Gunn to grow his hair
Heather Alayne: Fans For Spike's Return, and Ms. Neil forget the groups' history. Do we really want vampire NAZIS influencing the outcome of this deathmatch. Ms. Neil thinks you will just accept this, that you are ok with vampire NAZIS running things. I think you're stronger and better than that. And together let's send Ms. Neil the message that vampire NAZIS are not welcome in this thread.
connie made sure Gunn never had fewer than 2 layers of clothing. There's documentation.
connie neil: Where Ms. Alayne see "NAZIS", others see only food and the occasional example of fashion flair. Ms. Alayne and her coterie of supporters are trying to obscure the true issues of this Deathmatch with irrelevant comparisons and cant phrases. Her party is afraid to leave the decisions that will affect us all to the intelligent, informed voters, instead relying on kneejerk panic to sway the voting. Show us the Quotes of Mass Destruction, Ms. Alayne.
Heather made Angel sing
Matt the Bruins fan: Connie, rejoinders to I heard connie had a secret confrence with the writers and asked if they couldn't make Cordy "softer, more motherly and saint-like" are like Giles trying to follow up Buffy's comment about Moloch finding the nuclear launch codes in "I Robot, You Jane." You're never going to find anything that damning to throw at Heather. Well, unless you discover that she's secretly a Fox programming executive...
Heather Alayne: Funny you should say that Matt, because I have heard rumors that connie...
I'm sorry, I have to leave work now.