I liked the bit before it:
Hec, if my present gets delivered before the wedding, you really should open it right away. In a box from Uncommon Goods.
Duly noted! Does that mean it's food? Or is it baby chicks? Because nothing says love like a box full of starved to death baby chicks.
Hec, in Natter, not because it's funny, more on target:
Evil is easy. Good is hard. You have to exercise your moral faculties.
Okay, gotta ask. AIFG?
Narrowed it down (I think) to "And I Feel Good" or "And It's Fuckin' Great"
The latter.
The latter.
Woohoo! I rule. I guessed it.
t dances with awesome
"And It's Fuckin' Great"
we have a winnah!
The fabulous origin story, courtesy of the even fabulouser Fay:
Person A: <sheepishly/shamefully> I...I kinda like to wear rubber gloves on my head and pretend to be a chicken. Sometimes. Er. For a laugh, you know?
Person B: I do that every weekend.
Person C: I'm wearing a rubber glove on my head right now and it's fucking great! Those non-rubber-glove-wearers (henceforth to be called NRGW) don't know what they're missing!
Person A: Yeah!
Person B: Let's set up our own forum
Seen that... somewhere... don't know where.
Penny Arcade, maybe?
NovaChild (again):
Oh. Google says it's in the FAQ. Silly me.
Today's lesson: Torture bad, Gus pretty.
Robin brightening a dismal day in Natter:
BF just took me out for a drive around Griiffith Park and we saw a guy flying along on a cool recumbent bike, natty Korean golfers, a movie shoot, a lady on a white Arabian horse, a young Latino couple leaning on their car and kissing, dogs playing frisbee with their owner, and lot of gorgeous greenery. Hooray city parks!
Steph L.: Is there a character named L'Oreal? Who fights crime through her impeccably applied cosmetics?
sumi: And her beautifully colored hair?
Steph L.: She *always* defeats the bad guys, because...she's worth it.
A not awake yet msbelle, in Natter:
am walking dead. did not set alarm. was startled awake by contractor buzzing the door. am dead.
attempts at regaining sleep have failed. everyone must die. am running on orange juice infusion.
will be 81 today. am not prepared with summer clothes. again, death for everyone. universe fails to bend to my will.
Beware the Sleepy Pink Death