Happy Phantom, In Firefly:
It's all so good, I'm falling more in love by the second, and I keep freaking out that there's only 6 more episodes, and that I don't want it to end. I want to see these people's stories unfold, I want to be shocked and surprised by them, and I'd really rather like to see most of them end up happily-ever-after. I just have to keep muttering "At least there's a movie, at least there's a movie" over and over!
And the award for movie crit, short form, goes to
I rented The Hours, and only lasted minutes.
Allyson, in Natter, just being Allyson:
Hey, did I tell you guys I almost tied my cat to a tree outside a shelter with a twenty dollar bill taped to her ass and a bag of kibble?
Wacky gothmothers are necessary. As are kinky grandmothers and aunts who like renting children.
amych beat me to it! I was just coming to COMM Holli.
Ah heck, I'm COMMing the lot.
Katie M: It took me literally years before I figured out that English kids didn't just have a strange penchant for exploring dark places with flaming pieces of wood. Finding out that "torch" is English for "flashlight" was one of the great revelatory experiences of my childhood.
Amych: I dunno -- I found it kind of disappointing, but that may just be because I spent all those years fantasizing about being allowed to play with open flames myself.
Holli: You know, the older I get, the more I find that "geek=pyromaniac" is something that holds true everywhere.
Leigh, in Natter, on movies made in the 1960s:
Lord, I'm feeling young. Like a zygote. Only with typing skills.