Aimee, in Bitches:
<tiptoes in>
....and The Bitches slept. And dreamed beautiful dreams, dreams of elves and boys in make-up and fic and slash and slashable fic and all that made them happy. For The Bitches are the bless-ed Buffistas. Where things can be shared and love given and support had and any kind of -ma sent your way so that only good things happen in life. And when there is sadness or money problems or spouses on the fritz or cramps, The Bitches are there. And when right wins over wrong, and justice has overpowered injustice, The Bitches are there. And when fashion sense goes awry, and someone wears something bad, The Bitches are there. And when evil landlords or bad jobs or shitty-exes rear their heads, The Bitches are there. And when Lush is slow on the shipment, or Amazon has lied about sending the new HP, The Bitches are there. The Bitches are everywhere. We're in your neighborhoods, in your schools, and in your livejournals. We embody all that is good and porny.
So sleep, Bitches. And dream of the good that will be done tomorrow. And the lives that are vibed, and the souls that are hugged, and the bastards we shall smite. Dream on, Bitches. Dream on.
<soft rain of glitter>
<tiptoes out>