Allyson in Natter:
You know, I don't want to be a friggin administator. Every scientist here asks me why I don't get my degree so I can be an administrator.
First of all, "I have a BA," I say.
"Well, why wouldnt you just go get a business degree, then? They say.
I say, "Why don't you go get a degree in nursing?"
They look puzzled.
"See, you dont get a degree in nursing because you dont WANT to be a nurse. Just like I dont get a degree in Business Administration because I don't WANT to be an administrator." I explain.
"But it's more money." they reason.
"OK, but see, when I die and go to hell, i won't burn, i will be forced to balance spreadsheets all day. That would be hell. And so. If I had to go balance a spreadsheet, the next sound you would hear would be the bullet going through my skull."
"But wouldn't you get more money as an administrator?" they say.
"I would get more money as a whore, because I have all of my teeth." Okay, I actually don't say that.