Calli, in Bitches:
I've only been proposed to once, when I was helping a friend who'd gotten way too drunk. We were in college. He'd heard about doing tequila shots (lick salt, bite lime, slam tequila) but we only had vodka and lemons. So he did vodka shots. Then he started just eating the lemon wedges, peel and all, before slamming the shots. A goodly sized bottle of vodka (and about three lemons) later, he was heaving slightly used lemon wedges and other stuff into the toilet.
Since he was normally not this stupid (or at least, usually stupid in far more interesting ways than this) I stuck around to keep him pointed in the general direction of the toilet bowl, to give him some water to rinse out his mouth, and to keep him from what turned into a serious quest to drink the shampoo. In between heaving and rinsing he'd yell "I love you, Calli! Marry me, Calli!" Then he'd pound his fists on the toilet and go back to throwing up.
The neighbors called in a domestic violence report to the police.