Jars, in Un-Americans, on the
Cheers. Apparently I'm filling the Buffy-shaped hole in my life with salt and vinegar crisps, of which I've just eaten 4 packets.
What am I supposed to do with my Thursday nights from now on? I'll have to take up a new hobby like crocheting, or maybe I could join a church group.
See the trouble watching Buffy has kept me out of in my teenage years? I could be a manic, knitting, bible-bashing recluse, instead of the fine upstanding cynic of an atheist that I am today. Society owes Buffy a debt.
Damn, theo beat me to it!
Allyson, in Natter:
Is it still a slur if the people don't exist anymore?
Like, "Look fool, I've had it up to HERE with your Mayan laziness!"
"No, you you didn't pass the air traffic controller exam, you asswipe, you've always been totally Donner Party when it comes to directions.
"You are so full of shit, you're fucking Aramaic."
I am *so* going to use the Donner Party line....
I've got to say, the "bar bar bar" thing cracks me up. I mean, it's thousands of years later, and we have all these words derived in various ways from the way in which the Greeks made fun of other languages. I mean, really. I want to see what becomes of yadda yadda.
In Bitches, w/r/t the Virgin Mary appearing in a window:
Trudy:How come nobody ever thinks it's the face of Satan?
DX:Because they see that every time there's a press conference at the White House.
Madrigal in Unamericans, on who was supposed to Represent the Common Potential:
See, I thought that was Stupid Fucking Hat Girl - which is actually her legal name, though she had to be baptized Stupid Frickin' Hat Girl since her family's Mormon.
Aimee in Bitches:
wanders into Bitches for some lighthearted Friday morning banter...
t miracles
t religion
t beliefs
By some stroke of divine intervention, I am wearing a brand new outfit that I coveted. Miracles at work, I got it for $30 (orgonally $100) and I believe I am beautiful.
Trudy, about Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich’s “sick and wrong tubby manlove”
I have a theory, Newt was his honey...
Honeys aren't all cute like everybody supposes
Some are nasty red-neck freaks with big fat puffy noses
And what's with all the Contracts?
And why have one with America-a anywayyyyyy?
erika's asstastic spirituality in Bitches:
I often think I should get serious about something spiritually, cause right now I've got Half-Assed Christianity and Half-Assed Buddhism floating around similtaneously...I need a path my whole ass likes.