My first COMM! I'm walking on air.
And because it hasn't been put in here yet, I'll post my first COMM too.
MechaKrelboyne in Firefly, on the un-Americans getting FF:
Wow. It's like Bitter, Fist-Shaking Fans: the Next Generation. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
Shawn in Movies, making a threat I think we can all get behind (so long as we're not sitting in front of her):
If the One turns out to have midichlorians, I'm throwing my milkshake at the screen.
In Buffy, re Angel, therefore whitefonted:
I'm with sumi. Buffy has Issues, sure. But [Angel] has Issues plus offsprung with Issues.
Angel has so many Issues that his Issues have Offspring, his Offspring has Issues and Issues with Offspring, and he has Offspring Issues with Offspring.
Fay and billytea in Bitches about Killer Ant Reality TV:
Billy: They're posing the challenge: could the army ants of Latin America attack and devour a human?
Fay: See, I'm envisioning the TV crew proposing this to the ants, and the ants listening earnestly, and looking at the tropical holiday/fabulous car/blahblahblah prize on offer, and discussing it amongst themselves, and then saying they're up for it, and the audience applauding, and then ravenous ant death happening to the TV crew. With added salsa music.
Billy: Hee. No, see, you're thinking of Japanese nature programs. This is an American program, so
a. The ants are presented with a variety of culinary options representing all walks of American life (if America consisted entirely of elderly curmudgeons with surprising survival skills, feisty mothers of four, remarkably photogenic twentysomethings with at least four pairs of additional teeth, a couple of token minorities, and a sprinkling of whiny bitches); and
b. The last person uneaten wins a million dollars. Oh, and the whole idea was ripped off an idea developed three years ago by a Dutch presenter, David Aatenbreugher.
With added salsa music.
In Buffy, spoilery bits whitefonted:
Allyson: The TV Guide interview with Joss says that he took the scythe.
Jon B.:You mean as a memento?
Allyson: No, he's mailing it to the Iraqi's so he can prove they have a weapon of mass destruction.
Just call me Mr. Moronic Set-up guy...
In context, the question wasn't so dumb, dammit
No, but you have to admit, you were just so damned irresistable, Jon.
I'm always irresistable. It's what I am.