Matt on the future according to Star Trek:
This is part of the price they pay for eradicating my people in that particular future. Without fashion designers and interior decorators, it's all fluorescent lighting, neutral walls, spartan furnishings, and daywear that looks like unflattering pajamas.
In natter, ostensibly about chem experiments Gone Bad:
It was, "Ed! Help! Bang. Ed! Help! Bang. Ed! Help! Bang."
DXMachina: Sex-god superhero.
I'm still giggling at the mental image.
Damn, any time anyone calls me a sex-god, all the women do is giggle...
That's just all they'll
to doing, DX.
DX-- you do know that you're my savior from the airport in chicago hell, right?
Handsome man, saved me from the taxis.
In Quotable Buffy (spoilery):
Me, quoting the episode:
Dawn: I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly, at least not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico...
Lady O' Spain:
That's what she said? Oh, that's so much better than what I thought I heard...something about "...since I nicked your testicle." I was wondering why Xander took it so well...
edited to line up font tags to protect compliant browser-users
Damn, any time anyone calls me a sex-god, all the women do is giggle...
le sigh.
DX, on information and belief, I didn't think you were a
superman of instant sexual gratification. But I may be wrong.
and I didn't need wit or cleverness, just crappy hearing
Steph L:
That music is manipulative! Damn it!
le sigh.
Shawn, I knew what you meant. I was self-deprecating. Sorry.