And I gladly contributed to the madness.
t natter
Perkins, are there pictures yet?
t /natter
Plei, w/o context in F2F:
I am Frankenpeep.
Just be glad you didn't come aboard during one of the Great Grammar Wars!
There was an epic battle. More than one person had to be helped off the field after being kneed right in the gerunds.
Hmph. I'm the question mark, missy.
Gus's followup to: "one person had to be helped off the field after being kneed right in the gerunds"
Yup. He later parsed out. It was ugly.
Days late, because I can't bear to let a good ninja joke go by.
It's always hard to get good ninjas these days.
Matt, on failed ninjaism:
I believe he had the idea that thinking movie ninjas were cool would somehow allow him to dodge blows from fairly skilled swordsmen.
From Natter, a riff on dating and Hamlet:
Sophia: Earlier this week the designer and I almost died laughing when "Gertrude" who is dating "Hamlet" asked us if we thought she "would be able to go down on Hamlet in this dress"? She meant "fall", but still....
amych: First thought: eww! incest squick!
Second thought: well, yeah, but it's kinda that way in the play too, now isn't it?
Sophia: Yup. Of course, being a college theater department-- "Gertrude" has also dated "Claudius", "Laertes" and the "Gravedigger" (not the funny one)over the course of 4 years.