Damn! DX beat me to Tom's goad post.
It was the "chicken in a hat" bit that left one small cat and part of a larger tabby covered in (luckily lukewarm) Medaglia d'oro espresso roast.
Phill, in re: the Talmud, in Natter:
it's a giant Where's Waldo of action pact Hebraic Law with lots of hot, steamy Rabbinical analysis
In Natter:
I mentioned that one of the things that I love about Judaism is the *great* storytelling. Really gripping, dramatic stuff. Jewish religion and history has some of the most powerful and interesting stuff in all of human history.
Excerpt from any conversation in my family: "...he what? What? No! Well, cancer-shmancer, as long as you're healthy. Did you hear that Lois is seeing Sol. I saw them at Kessler's at he counter. Nu? Who does it hurt. By the way, did you see that Tiger Woods, what a punum on him, such a cutie..."
Yeah, we're gripping. For every "Walls of Jericho Came Tumblin' Down", there is an equal and oposite "Judy said her youngest is going to Skidmore".
Maybe it just gets morphed over time. So that several thousand years from now, "Judy said her youngest is going to Skidmore," becomes "and Jude's youngest child, through much hardship and many plagues, parted the admissions process at Skidmore, fleeing finally into advanced education. But as the attacking army followed her in, the admissions process closed in, sweeping them away to their doom," or something like that.
So glad someone COMMed Julie's post. Agree about the FAQ. Jess, third paragraph, can you edit "advise" to "advice"?
Angel, no spoilers:
Mikal2200: being retired - I forget that folks work.
Amych: Hell, I'm employed and I sometimes forget the same thing.
In Smallville, and I don't think I need to say who it refers to
It was all CreepySexyCoolCrazyObsessedGayGayGayMaybeEvil.
It was all CreepySexyCoolCrazyObsessedGayGayGayMaybeEvil.
This was amyth, by the way.