Sophia Brooks -
Re the (TWoP) Ad:
I associate the word "always" with Reva and Josh on guiding Light, so now I am thinking of
Buffy/Angel going through all their trials and tribulations (death, memory loss, becoming Amish,
being cloned)
Anne W. -
Let's hope they don't. We've seen DB in enough scary wigs that we don't need the horror of
seeing him in full Amish regalia.
amych -
We've seen DB in enough scary wigs that we don't need the horror of seeing him in full Amish
Oh, but imagine the wacky hijinks that would ensue when he had a really, really good
t wink, nudge
and lost his soul. We'd know he was evil because he'd turn up wearing buttons!
Caroma and Betsy from Natter:
We've had 43 presidents, we mackeral-snappers are about 1/4 of the population, and you can count the number of Catholic presidents on one finger. Hmmm. Of course, there's bunches of us as mayors, and governors, and on the Supreme Court, so...never mind! Forget I said anything! There is no Vatican conspiracy with the Whore of Babylon to bring about the advent of the Antichrist, what a silly thought!!
You gave us Scalia.
Some day, the rest of us *must* find some way to appropriately reward you.
coded msg to Scaliabot malfunctioning to the point even Protestants can detect it. Please advise. Minion # 7,867,461
It's funny cause it's true, Sophia in Natter:
I was so sure we'd be living in a post apocolyptic post nuclear bombing world by now that I somehow neglected to make better plans for my life.
John H. in Natter, on why he's in no hurry to see The Hours:
Plus, the whole Virginia Woolf thing. When I was at university, there were the Woolf fans and the Joyce fans, and we were like the Sharks and the Jets. Only without the fighting. Or dancing. Or singing. You know what I mean.
Rio in natter on the white man's need for flavored bagels:
the bagel thing fits in with my larger theory about white people and muffins. I don't have time to go into detail right now, but basically the thing is: White people just want to eat muffins 24/7, but they are ashamed of this fact, so they take totally good yummy foods like bagels and coffee and ice cream and turn it all into muffins. Hence stuff like the blueberry bagel. The caramel latte. The chunky chocolate-almond-caramel-fudge ice cream. JUST EAT A FRELLING MUFFIN, WHITEY! That is what I say.
kat perez in Bureaucracy on preferential voting (it's funny 'cause it's true!):
The PV people are like Sam I Am. "Try it, try it. You will see." It's so cute.