Aimee in Beep Me - on her job search...
Just heard from my rep from the first interview. They loved me, they want me back tomorrow and when James (my rep) told them about the offer, they said "Oh. We can MUCH better than that."
So, I'm conflicted. But happy. More than one person hasn't been this interested in me since my boobs grew big in 10th grade!
Cindy in the "Angel" thread, after a few people discussed their videotape management techniques:
None of you are true believers. Buffy and Angel tapes get used for nothing else. Do you write your grocery lists in your Bible? Do you write your to do list in Romeo and Juliet?
My B/A tapes are on my bookcase, (upper shelves) so my children can't breathe on them and pass them the latest cold going through their schools.
They NEVER get taped over.
My darling husband knows that to touch one to tape anything is to forfeit his life. They are in chronological order, and labelled with tape number, 2 episode numbers (e.g. S5, ep22, series ep. 100), title, and air date - before the episode starts. I do not re-use them when a season's DVDs become available. Clearly, they have been pre-ordained as back up, and besides, they're where the previouslies and previews live.
The only way I'd use a B or A tape for something else is if one of my children (or Jesus) was going to be on TV, and then? I'd use one that had some blank space on it. THERE IS NO TAPING OVER.
Santa puts blank tapes in my stockings. I get blank tapes for Valentine's Day, my birthday and in my Easter basket. I buy them when I go grocery shopping. The only more urgent non-food item I buy is toilet paper.
You call yourselves Buffistas?
I don't even know you anymore.
And I don't think I want to.
In Natter:
(describing her evening): ...getting a little sugar...
Wait a second, Shawn, when you say "getting a little sugar," what EXACTLY do you mean?
What? I mean, "I got a little sugar." So, how do Buffistas know this guy is a keeper? Last night, while going through tapes for Adult Swim cartoons, I came across the Firefly ep from December that was the quasi-pilot (I don't remember the name). He hadn't seen anything Joss, and he agreed to watch, even if it would make him sad it was off the air. First, he laughed his ass off. Second, he says, "I love how this guy subverts all the conventions." Third, he says, "This guy has a fantastic sensibility! I have to start watching Buffy!"
Suh-weet. Shawn's getting sugar AND a toaster.
Now all she needs is bread, cinnamon, and butter, and she can make really yummy toast.
One doesn't unlive for 120+ years by being so stupid as to store the eggs of dangerous creatures in your bedroom. That's what the minions' bedrooms are for, so the eggs can hatch and you laugh riotously watching the fun.
My freezer makes me look like a neat-freak serial chicken killer
Quickly, before he can edit!
Hec (quoting Betsy): My husband just came into my office, found me sitting on my balance ball, and discovered with glee that he can dribble me.
Well, in a purely imperialist way, we managed to sweep The Philippines under our influence because of the Spanish American War.
Betsy: Filled the bathtub with giraffes yet?
Quickly, before he can edit!
stupid clipboard...
, editing to try to dig himself out but, as is so often the case, making matters worse:
because Betsy's husband is not waging imperialistic war on her balance ball.
OK, I missed something so completely that now I'm fighting tears. Picturing Betsy's husband chasing after Betsy's balance ball with napoleonic posture, waving garlic and shouting something about the colonies.
If I die in an attempt to not explain this to my officemate, it is all y'alls fault.