In Firefly:
Jim E-T:
Anyone need a tape fairy?
The morning does stragne things to you. I read this and imagined Tinkerbell firmly attached to Jim's upper colon. "Yeah, I just don't seem to have the energy I once did, and no matter how much I eat I lose weight; but on the plus side, I do get three wishes..."
Actually, this could explain a lot. Er, not about Jim. I reckon tape fairies could be a common infestation among TV writers; which is why the audience spends so much time shouting "Come on, they pulled that one out of their own arse!"
vw bug:
This post is brought to you by the punctuation exclamation point and the attitude sarcasm.
Cindy, in Bureaucracy, no context:
The number 50 is the WHORE of BABYLON and Jesse is its PIMP.
Jess PMoon, Angel, not spoilery. I'm tempted to COMM the whole conversation, but that would get spoilery, and I'm lazy.
(And even if not, I don't think it's very likely that the puncture victim would sit up and say "Aha! I've only got one penis! Your threats mean nothing to me!")
Edit: and ita's followup:
No, but I might say "Moron! I have no penis! What the hell you gonna do now?"
And then lapse back into a pain laced half-consciousness.
In Natter, on the Freedom Fries initiative...
My SO and I have been eating french fries like maniacs ever since we heard of the "freedom fries" stupidity. I mean, come the hell on! Just when I think people can't get any stupider (or would that be more stupid?).
Don't do it! You'll die of heart attacks and the jingoists will have won!
Use French ticklers instead.
Not funny, but worth repeating.
in Natter:
How about we aim distain at those who chose to abuse the concept of responsibility, both mass responsibility and personal responsibility, invoking it when it suits them without taking any of it when it doesn't?
We all need to be responsible, as members of whatever group we associate with, and as individuals in our choices.