ita in Bitches:
I've had martial arts like other women have had relationships. Before I hit puberty, I looked wistfully at judo and wondered what all these feelings meant. I popped my cherry on Tae Kwon Do, and still remember it with a smile, although that part of my life is gone. Capoeira stole me from TKD, and I didn't look back. It was love. It still is love, really, a big and overwhelming feeling that scares me so much that I've backed away until I feel ready. In the meanwhile, I've had a couple of really bad hookups with arts whose names I don't even remember, some good "with benefits" time with Muay Thai, and I'm right now in the middle of a tumultuous and heady relationship with krav maga -- but it's kinda open, and I don't feel guilty about my kickboxing assignations, or my wistful looks at the capoeira roda.
Men are confusing in comparison