From BaBB:
Anyone want to rewrite the site so it delivers XML, and then implement XSLT? It would simplify things SO much.
I will do it. I will code the ring to Mordor.
(Funny to me given the amount of indifference Allyson has to all things LoTR)
I will do it. I will code the ring to Mordor.
Though I do not even know what XSLT stands for.
re. polearms: Sword on a stick.
connie: Not to be confused with hot dogs on a stick. So much grief could be spared if people just kept the two clear in their minds.
Thanks, Jess!
I was proud of it too.
Holli: billytea, I'm afraid my brian has quietly imploded. Too. Much. Math.
billytea: Hee. I'm afraid I follow the adage 'Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you're taking up valuable time that could be spent doing math.'
Burrell: Wow. Math Natter. Didn't think it could be done.
EllenS: I can't be the only person who's distressed by the way this thread is constantly hijacked by mathematics and physics talk. When are we going to start the "Buffistas to the Nth: This could be mathier." thread? Also, I would love a place where my questions about duct tape don't get lost in the flood of natter.
Deena: Questions about duct tape?
Ellen: Sorry - I was riffing on the thread slug. I shouldn't go from Full Bitch mode to Still Bitchy but Not Seriously Ranting that quickly.
Allyson: What's the best way to stop a deep wound from leaking blood all over the shopping bag of money on the way across the border?
Deena: Greg, dh extraordinaire, has a jealousy of my dad. Dad is an outdoorsy guy. He builds houses. He's over 60 but won't stop working. He's got muscles and he's still good looking enough (in a sort of a Harrison Ford way) that women still flirt with him. We now have a running joke because Dad was once hurt on the job and wrapped the wound in duct tape so he could finish. Now anytime I say, "Oh, guess what dad said on the phone today?" Greg says, "What? He didn't want to run to the emergency room for a lost limb, so he stapled the parts together, wrapped it in duct tape, kept working and is feeling fine?" or something equally snarky. Duct tape is good stuff. DH is cute, but not outdoorsy.