In Dude, Where's My Precious
connie neil
My god, Aragorn's fighting off the good ole human-to-human lust. All well and good to stroll poetically through the moonlight with ethereal Elvin maidens and muse on the ending of ages and civilizations, but sometimes you just got to fall for a freckle-faced blonde who could kick your ass if she so wished.
And when he gets over Legolas, there's Eowyn, too.
Jess PMoon in Dude, Where's my Precious?":
That SDMB thread has warped me. I was walking to the post office, and all I could think of was LotR in the style of Monty Python...
PET STORE OWNER: I keep telling you, there is no such thing as a hobbit license, you don't need one!
ARAGORN: In that case, give me an Elf license.
PET STORE OWNER: What, an Elf license? For your pet Elf, Elrond, Elrond the Elf?
ARAGORN: No, Elrond the Half-Elf. He had an accident.
and BtVS...
In every generation there is a chosen one. He alone will stand against the Nazgul, the Orcs, and the armies of Sauron. He is the Ringbearer.
billytea, contemplating the season:
Oh dear. One of my Christmas pressies is a Hollies greatest hits collection. I'm listening to it right now, and they just played a song called "I Can't Tell The Bottom From The Top". Thanks entirely to the influence of this board, I find myself unable to take the title at face value.
And a very FayJay Christmas:
Also, LittleSisterJay sent miscellaneous nice bits & pieces from China, my favourite of which was arguably the bottle of moisturiser called Sod Milk. Sent, presumably, because she knew one of us would find it amusing. My mother and I laughed like drains. "How do you milk a sod?" she asked, to which I was obliged to reply that I had an anecdote about that from last New Year's Eve, but wasn't drunk enough to share it.
Snerk! It may be that we should ship Sod Milk from the Buffista store, such are the porny possiblities of this thing.
What does it say on the label? "Can be rubbed into sensitive skin. No animals were harmed in the making of this product, though some evolved apes may have had fun*. Not for use by under 18s."
And by fun, we mean...
No, the label says:
chinese character chinese character chinese character SOD chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character SOD chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character chinese character SOD.
I think I broke something
DX, this still makes me cry. I know it's funny, but it breaks my heart.
I think Fay gets to keep Sam.