From Buffy, non-spoilery:
Victor: I'm an Aquarius. Everyone is our "friend" until there's a good reason for them not to be.
Daniel: "And if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with"
Steph: Daniel, that's so familiar. Ten Commandments?
In Firefly, Betsy commits hardware porn as only she can:
I love my TiVo the mostest. Even more than my DSL modem.
This would naturally lead to Tivo/DSL slash, except the TiVo manufacturers are way ahead of me.
Oooh... ethernet me, baby!
Come to think of it, I like TiVo better than either the inclined plane or fire. Although slightly less than contraception.
And I was just headed here with it, too.
David Schwartz, catching up in TTT:
I'm pretty good. I hate my job, but then I suppose if I didn't I wouldn't call it a "job," I'd call it "The Nice Place Where I Go and They Give Me Money."
Damn, amych beat me too.
By several hours. But
I don't know if this has been posted, but Aimee in "Dude, Where's My Precious":
This movie is rated PG-13 for sexual content and violence. This movie also has a pee-rating of Take Your Ass Now! for extreme water scenes.