My morning Bitchs catch-up revealed gems today:
I always say that the difference between a good relationship and a bad one is compatible neuroses.
connie n on Christopher Lee:
He's really the Dark Lord, isn't he, and he's learned that attractive evil gets better results.
Cindy, talking about her preferences in regards to new threads:
I'm in favor of a LotR:TT thread too, because I'm thinking of abandoning every aspect of my life, and becoming a nun in a newly founded order of Aragorn.
And possibly Pippin.
Hah! You COMM me, I'll COMM you.
DX, on the gerbil:
according to the story, the poor thing was on fire, and impacted the guy's nose hard enough to break it. I'm sure he's just stunned. Or pining for the fjords.
DX, on the gerbil
The rumours of DX being on the gerbil were greatly exaggerated. And as for spitting Earl Grey on the monitor, there's no truth to that at all. He swallowed.
The thing that made me spit, continuing the flaming gerbil discussion:
billytea -
Heh. It could've survived, theoretically, if it all happened fast enough. Not likely, granted, and I bet the bastard who made so free with its time and well-being let a little thing like his lover's flaming rectum distract him from dousing the fiery gerbil. But still.
And now, we pause, reread the above sentence, and think quietly to ourselves, "O brave new world, that has such things in't!"
FayJay -
Goodness, gracious.
Great balls of fire.
The rumours of DX being on the gerbil were greatly exaggerated. And as for spitting Earl Grey on the monitor, there's no truth to that at all. He swallowed.
COMMable things said in COMM? Great balls of fire.
DX and Am, brainsharing since December '02.
Allyson in Firefly (completely non-spoilery unless you have never seen The Princess Bride, in which case what the hell is the matter with you and why are you wasting your time fucking around here, turn your gorram computer off and go rent it
damn you!):
I wonder if Tim's relationship with his assistant is not unlike that of the Dread Pirate Roberts and Westley.
At the end of every day, Tim may say, "Goodnight John, I'll likely kill you in the morning."
Someday, Tim will retire, and John will become the Dread Pirate Minear.