It was late. There were loofahs.
"Surprise cowboy virgin Greek tycoon marriage!"
My mother likes the Agatha Christie type of murder. Generally she appreciates killers who try not to leave a mess. If they clean up after themselves, so much the better.
Cashmere, I just now noticed my egregious typo in that cat-ass quote. Der. Licking, not liking. Could you or a stompy fix that in post 1040?
actually, the typo is in the original. and I enjoyed it because it worked both ways :)
Oh my god! They've killed Lizard. You bastards!
[resists attempt to make a bad S7-spoilery joke]
Am-Chau Yarkona
That's what the internet is for. Virtual threesomes, with a side order of GVSP.
Rebecca beat me by about 8 hours to the Michele T quote.
victor in Buffy (spoilery):
Really, the FE doesn't get all bent out of shape when its plans change. I admire that in a force of evil.